Part 2- Chapter eleven.

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Emily's P.O.V~

I woke up in a steel room. The floors, walls and even the bed were made out steel, the bed covered with a cream, old messy looking rag that was probably the duvet and a hard single pillow. Home sweet home. Except this wasn't home. I didn't even know where I was. My elbows ached as I pulled myself off of the ice cold ground. Turning around I realised that there was a see through window.

Just as I got up, I realised there were about eight other people in the room with me. Each in their own steel rooms and each dressed in grey coloured clothes. They all looked like they hadn't had a shower in ten years, which they probably haven't considering they were all locked up like animals. Looking around more I could see that some were treated better than others. About four people were coughing or shaking on the ground like they were having a fit.

I also noticed that there were about three people staring at me. Two were girls; one with ratted brown hair and red eyes, one with uneven blonde hair who immediately looked away. One was a boy with brown hair that was turning almost silver, he looked most normal out of all of them. Of course that was before he flew himself across his room, leaving a blue blur behind him. One of the girls was surrounded by red...hexes of a kind whereas the other was surrounded by a dark mist, almost like a shadow. Behind her I could see another room where people were staring through. There were about six men wearing long white doctor coats and four other people. A man with long brown hair and a metal arm, a girl wearing a black suit except her skin was entirely made from a sparkly metal. She shined almost like a diamond; it was hard to look away. Well, it would've been if Harry and Stacey weren't smirking at me next to her. "Ma'am." A Russian voice called out to me.

I jumped, only making those watching me grin some more. This was like a really creepy horror film, and I was the only victim. "Ma'am, we aren't going to hurt you. We just want to talk." With a steam like sound, my door, that I didn't even notice until now, opened.

One of the men walked in, carrying a clipboard and pen. My stomach dropped. "W-what did you do to me?" I managed to get out.

The man held his hands up, "Nothing. We have not conducted any experiments on you. But that's something we'd like to discuss. Please come with me."

I shook my head quickly. I didn't feel weird in any way and my clothes and hair will still the same as when I was taken so they haven't touched me. That doesn't mean I should trust these people though. "Ma'am, if you don't come with us we will have to use force. And you won't like it one bit." My entire body froze as both the man with a metal arm and the girl with the black suit walked in- her skin was back to normal now and it turns out she's actually just a little lighter than tan. I continued to stare at her, wondering if she'd actually help a girl out.

My brows drew together when she winked at me. Did that mean she was here to help? Or was that a 'this is all a set-up, I'll kill you later' look?

"O-okay." I whispered and slowly shuffled out of the room. Leaving the two girls and boy, who were round about 15 years old. Obviously I must have been going too slow because the man with the metal arm grabbed me by my wrist and tugged me forward.

"Hey, I've got this." The diamond girl, said in a British accent and slapped him on the wrist, though I doubted he felt it, and took my arm instead.

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