Part 2- Chapter eight.

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Emily's P.O.V~

Isobel hadn't returned to our dorm last night, or this morning. Not that I cared. She wanted to be a mystery? She could become one then, I thought whilst I knocked on Peter's door. When he opened the door, I noticed that Harry still hadn't returned. Where the hell could he be?

"Hey, are you busy?" I asked, pointing to the countless pieces of paper on the table.

He grimaced almost like he was pain to say no to me. "I'm so sorry, I am but I promise we will hang out later, okay?"

Letting out a little laugh, I nodded. "Peter, it's fine. I have to go check my mail anyways and probably call my dad." After he spent another two minutes apologizing, he closed the door.


I had just finished collecting my mail from the box before I accidentally bumped into a woman, dropping my letters. "Sorry! I wasn't looking-" But, as I looked up I wish that the accident, was really on purpose.

"Ah, you were always a ditsy one, weren't you?" The woman smirked, a gleam in her eye that wasn't there three years ago.

"Shut it, Stacey."

She placed a hand over her heart...if she had one. "That's no way to talk to your teacher."

"Well, actually we're in the post office, so technically, right now, you're not my teacher. Meaning I can say whatever shit I want about you." Also, meaning that if you piss me off enough, I can hit you into next week- or century, depends how far you go.

I suddenly felt small as she stepped closer to me and growled under her breath, "It also means that I can do whatever shit I want with you." The hand on my hip lowered. Stacey wouldn't actually do anything to me, would she? I mean we both hate each other, but not enough to kill...right? "Yeah, that's right princess, two can play that game."

We glared at each other until I looked closer at her face, it looked stranger than before. I mean, not that I would admit it but Stacey looked younger than what she was, now she looked wiser. Like she had been through a lot. Wrinkles were beginning to appear around her eyes but apart from that she looked a lot better. Except that cut above her eye...where did that look familiar? My eyes widened.

It was exactly in the same shape as the person who had...stabbed me.

Stacey straightened, as if she knew what I was thinking and shoved papers in my hand. "You dropped these." She snarled before strutting away.

I didn't stop her, I didn't even say anything. Maybe I needed to rethink the whole 'Stacey would never try to kill me' idea.

Because there was a 99.9% chance that Stacey was the one that left me bleeding outside the café about three weeks ago.

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