Chapter thirteen | Hey kiddos

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'I'm.... Okay. I know you were talking about me.' I say. 'How? Dustin said you still like me.' 'I did tell him that but that was a lie.' I look at Robin then grabbed her hand. 'What?' Steve said confused. 'Remember that I told you I liked a girl in our class.' He nodded. 'Oh, holy shit.' He says. 'Yeah holy shit.' Robin says repeating him.  'Okay guys stop the talking, do you remember Tammy Thomson.' I say.  'That girl in our class that wanted to be a singer?' Steve asks. 'I heard she moved to Nashville to be a singer.' 'How she can't even hold a tune, she's practically tone deaf. Have you heard her.' Steve starts randomly singing. Robin and I burst out laughing. 'You sound like a muppet.' Robin says. 'A muppet giving birth.' I say and I join Steve while we are still laughing. Then suddenly the door burst open. 'What the hell!' Dustin says which made us laugh even more.

~a few minutes later~

'Blend in, got it!' I say. Then we walked in the crowd. 'Just a few minutes and then it's Home Sweet Home.' 'Uhm Dustin we might not wanna go to our house, Dingus over there.' I looked at Steve. 'Told our full names.' 'Dude, I was drugged.' 'Oh shit. Guys.' 'What?' Robin asks me when I say that, I stopped them to make them look forward. Dustin turned around and starts running, we follow him. The escalators weren't working so we just slide through the middle part. We run to hide behind a stall. We all sit down. After a few seconds we hear a loud bang and see that a car has crashed into some guards of the mall. We look up to see: Will, Mike, Lucas, Nancy, Jonathan and 2 girls I haven't seen before. They come down and we run to them. I hug Will. 'I thought you were dead.' I whisper in his ear. 'I thought YOU were dead.' He says to me. I got lose because Robin started talking. 'I'm sorry, I don't understand what happened to that car.' 'El, she has powers.' Dustin says. 'Wait Dustin who's El?' I ask. He pointed at the brunette. 'El, as in Eleven?' I ask her. 'Yeah why?' El asks. 'Eleven, as in the number, as in, were you tested on by Dr. Brenner, well Papa?' She nodded. I showed her my left wrist. 'Sister.' She whispered. 'I'm sorry, who are you?' Nancy asks Robin. 'I'm Robin, I work with Steve and Y/N.' Nancy faced me (she hasn't seen me yet). 'Hi.' I said. She hugs me. 'We discovered a Russian code.' Dustin say which leads to Nancy getting lose. 'Those were Russians?' Mike asks. 'Some of them.' Erica says. 'Erica?' 'Lucas, what are you doing here?' 'Better question what are YOU doing here?' Lucas says. 'STOP!' I yell. 'I know it's exciting to see you brother back again after being in that shithole for more then 24 hours but we have other problems right now.' I pointed at El who fell. 'My leg. My leg.' She says while reaching for her leg. I sit next El while Mike takes of her bandage to reveal her leg with cuts in it. 'You know it's not that bad you know, a goalie on the soccer team, you saw her bones 3 inches.' (correct me if I put weird things that aren't possible.) 'Robin, you're not helping.' Steve says. I look up at her with a "What is wrong with you" look. I look back down and see something moving in her leg. 'I think I know what is hurting you.' I say while pointing at the moving thing. 'Keep her awake.' Jonathan says and runs off. He came back with a sharp knife and a wooden spoon he was holding them with gloves. He put the wooden spoon in El's mouth. 'Bite on this.' He says then he starts cutting her leg open. When he was done cutting her leg, he puts his hands beneath he skin reaching for that thing. It looks disgusting. El spits the spoon out. 'Stop! I can do it!' She screams. 'Jonathan, stop.' I say because he wouldn't stop. He got his hand out of her leg. El starts to use her powers, I see that she is struggling a bit. 'El, think of a memory which makes you mad or sad, think of those.' After I said that the glass behind us breaks. El lifts her arm she holds with her telekinetic powers a little flesh thingy which is struggling. She throws it away. I turned around to see where it lands. When I see Jim Hopper stepping on it. 'Jim?' I ask. 'Hey kiddos, Y/N, we could've used you here, well I mean your intelligence and all.'

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