Chapter eightteen | fun start off spring break

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Y/N's PoV

I walk to the gym and see Steve walking to me. 'Hey girl!' Steve says. 'Stop that, please. Is Robin inside?' 'Yep she is, I just went to the toilet.' 'I don't need to hear details.' We walk inside and walk to some seats that aren't taken.

The band was playing and the cheerleaders were dancing. I see the girl I just saw in the toilets. 'Hey Steve, who's that girl?' I point at the girl. 'Oh that, that's Chrissy Cunningham, Hawkins high school's pride and joy, Jason's girlfriend. she's hot isn't she.' 'Mhm.' I nod slightly, not telling him the fact that I saw her crying in the toilets.

When at the end of the game Lucas made the last shot and they won. We all cheer for them. Steve and I run to Lucas and give him a hug. We let go. 'You need to change.' I tell Lucas. Robin walks to us. 'It went great didn't it?' 'It did.' Answers Lucas. 'Change!' We all part our ways. I walk to the DND classroom. 'Did you win guys?' I say while standing in the doorway. 'Yes we did. Let's party!' Mike says. 'No no no! You know what your parents said nine or no sweetie pie and it's nearly nine.' I explain to him. 'Y/N Henderson that has been a long time.' 'Hello Eddie. How's it going?' 'You know it's my 3rd senior year, so I'm amazing.' 'Ms. Henderson, I need to be home at nine.' Mike says. 'Babysitting?' Eddie asks. 'Looks like it. Dustin, Erica come. See you later Eddie.' I walk with the others towards my car and we drive home.

When I get home with Dustin I see Robin waiting on the front porch. 'Steve, dropped you of didn't he?' I ask her while walking to her. 'Yeah he did.' She says while giving me a hug and Dustin a high five. 'Come in. Mom's probably sleeping.' I say while opening the door. We all walk in and Robin closes the door behind her. 'I am tired, of Steve and Brenda talking in between the game. So I'm going to my room. Robin you follow?' I say. She nods. 'Yeah, I'm tired too.' Dustin says while walking up the stairs. I shake my head, laughing. Robin and I walk to my room.

'So why did you come here?' 'To see you obviously.' 'I know.' 'Then why did you ask?' 'Just wanted to be sure.' 'Ahhhhh. I get it.'

~next morning~

I wake up to the sound of the phone going off. I pick up. 'Y/N Henderson speaking, who's calling?' 'Hey uhm it's me, Max. Can you uhm come over to my place?' She sounds nervous. 'Yeah of course. I'll be there as fast as I can, alright?' 'Yeah just if people hold you back just tell them you're my babysitter or something.' 'Yeah, yeah sure I'm on my way!' I put the phone back. I change into some jeans and a sweater. I run downstairs and write a note. "If you need me I'm at Max'. Love, Y/N."

I get in my car and speed to Max' place. When I arrive there are police cars everywhere. An officer walks my way and I roll the window down. 'Hello, officer. What is going on?' I ask the officer politely. 'State your name and why you're here.' He asks. 'I'm Y/N Henderson, Max' Babysitter. I wanna check on her since her mom is so busy she's probably sleeping.' 'In and out. Understand?' I nod and drive further. I pull up at Max' and get out. I don't know what's going on here the only thing I know is that Eddie lives here too.

I knock on her door and she opens it. 'Hey, how are you?' I ask her. 'Not good.' 'What happened?' 'Look inside Eddie's house.' I look across the street. Chrissy.... she's laying on the floor her bones cracked weirdly. 'Chrissy?' 'Yep. Yesterday I was feeding the dog and Eddie ran away.... scared.' 'What?' 'Yeah, I know. We need to find him.' 'Yeah we need to do that, faster than the police do.' We get in my car, drive to my house to pick up Dustin and then we ride to Family Video.

We walk in Family Video and we see Robin and Steve working behind the counter. 'How many phones do you have?' Dustin asks. 'Have you guys seen this?' Steve says. 'How many phones do you have?' Dustin asks again a bit irritated. '2, no actually 3 if you count Keith's in the back.' Robin says responding to Dustin. '3, yeah 3 could work.' Max says turning to Dustin. Dustin throws everything of the counter and slides his backpack over it, then himself. 'What are you doing man?' Steve says annoyed. 'Setting up base of operations here.' 'Setting up base of operations?!' Steve and robin repeat after him. Max and I walk around the counter while Dustin's typing like crazy on the computer. 'Why do you need it?' Steve asks. 'Looking up Eddie's friends phone number.' 'Oh Eddie. Your new best friend you think is cooler than me because he plays that nerdy game?' 'Yes Eddie. I never said that.' 'Seriously guys. Maybe on a Monday you can play around like toddlers, but it's Saturday its our busiest day.' Robin says while she and I put the films back on the counter after Dustin threw them off of it. 'Rob, look I get it. But this cannot wait til Monday.' Dustin says. 'Oh because calling all of Eddie's friends is an emergency.' 'Correct!'

'Do I need to strangle him or do you want to do it?' Steve asks Robin. 'We can take turns.' She answers. I need to laugh. 'Max do you wanna inform them.' Dustin says. 'Inform us about what?' Robin asks.  Max, dustin and Robin are calling Eddie's friends while Steve and I are helping the costumers, aka I'm helping the costumers and Steve is flirting with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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