Chapter sixteen | goodbye

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~3 months later~

It's 8 o'clock in the morning and my alarm goes off. Which obviously also wakes up Robin next to me on the floor. I give my alarm a big slap and it stops. 'Why do we need to wake up so early? The job interview isn't until 12am.' Robin asks sleepy. 'Because Dustin and I are gonna say our goodbye's to the Byers.' 'Okay.' I get up and grab some clothes and walk to the bathroom to shower. In 15min I was all done and changed, I walk back in my room seeing Robin had changed too. 'Are you eating here or are you going straight to Steve's?' I ask Robin. 'I'm going straight to... those delicious pancakes that are downstairs.' She says and runs downstairs. I run after her. I know we won't wake up Dustin, because he stayed at Will's with his other friends. We walk in the kitchen where my mom is baking pancakes. 'Goodmorning mom.' 'Goodmorning sweetie.' My mom says while laying some pancakes on 3 plates. 'Made some pancakes for you and Robin.' 'Thanks ms. Henderson.' Robin says. 'How many times do I have to say it, call me Claudia.' We all grab a plate and sit down at the table. 'So girls, what are your plans today?' My mom asks us. 'Well, when we are done eating, I'm going to drop off Robin at Steve's. Then I'm driving to the Byers to say goodbye.' 'Oh that's right they're moving to California. Say goodbye for me.' 'Of course mom. Then I'm riding back to Steve to stay there for a few hours before the job interview.' 'That pretty much sums up the day.' Robin says. We all eat and talk further.

When I'm done eating I put my plate in the sink and run upstairs. 'What is she doing?' I still hear my mom ask Robin. I grab my present for Will and walk back downstairs. 'Are you ready Robin?' I ask while peaking through the downstairs door. 'Yep, I'm coming.' 'Bye mom!' 'Bye sweetie! Bye Robin.' 'Bye Claudia!' Robin says and we walk out the door. 'I miss your ice cream uniform.' Robin says. 'Ooh you need to say that to Steve, he's gonna go crazy.' We step in the car and I drive to Steve's. 'See ya Rob.' 'Bye.' She gives me a quick kiss and steps out of the car. I quickly drive to the Byers house.

After a few minutes I pull over. I see Joyce walking outside with a few boxes. I grab Will's gift and step out of the car. 'Hey Joyce.' I say while walking up to her. 'Hey Y/N!' She puts down the boxes and hugs me. I put my arms around her hugging her back, being careful my gift isn't smashed. We let go of each other. I wipe away a tear from her face. 'Hey it's not the last goodbye we are gonna see each other again.' 'I know I'm just gonna miss you all, mostly you everything you've done for our family it's unbelievable.' 'It's okay.' 'Go to Will he wants to talk to you.' 'Okay.' I walk inside seeing boxes everywhere. I walk straight to Will's room and knock on the door. 'Hey!' I say looking at will. 'Y/N!' He runs up to me wanting to hug me. 'Wait!' He stops. 'A gift.' He wants to open it. 'No no no keep it wrapped up 'til you're there okay.' 'Okay.' I hug him. After around 1min, we let go and Will picks up a box where donations was written on. I look in it. 'It's you first DND set.' 'I'll just use Mike's when I'm back.' 'Okay.' I also grab a box. 'Come on.' I say and we walk to the dining room.

After 15 min of packing in the truck, we all gather outside to say goodbye to each other. I give a big hug to Joyce and then to Will. I give Jonathan a hug too. The Byers step in their car and the truck. They drive away while we wave them goodbye. I suddenly see Dustin walking up to me and he gives me a big hug. 'It's gonna be okay, Dusty.'

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