New Friend, I Guess

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From there, things went south, quick. Now, being about three feet off the ground, you were panicking. Clinging close to Papyrus as he tried to reassure you that you were ok. Your wings, as you suspected, gave out on you. So now Papyrus was struggling to land safely with you grabbing at him to stay alive. Despite the drop not being that bad. Oh boy. Papyrus managed and you were so happy to be touching the ground once more. "... I told you I couldn't.." You mumbled, self consciously rubbing your arm. "Sorry for dragging you down.." Papyrus merely smiled. "THAT IS ALRIGHT, WE CAN TRY AGAIN. FIRST, IF I MAY ASK, WHY ARE YOU SO SCARED OF FLIGHT?" You sighed. "It's not the flying that scares me, it's the height and I don't know why. It just terrifies me to know that at any time something could happen and I could plummet to my death or something."
"WELL..." Papyrus started. "THAT IS REASONABLE. YOU DO NOT WANT TO DIE. WE CAN WORK THROUGH THIS THOUGH! I CAN SHOW YOU THE PERKS OF FLYING!" You sighed again and shook your head. "No... I think I'm done. Thanks."


You walked away, but Papyrus followed you. "What are you doing?" Papyrus flashed a smile at you. "MAKING SURE YOU GET HOME SAFE, OF COURSE! I WAS ALSO HOPING WE COULD BE FRIENDS?" You snapped your head around to look at him. "Excuse me?" Did you hear that right? "COULD WE BE FRIENDS?" Was this a joke? It was pointless for anyone to be friends with a flightless nobody. "... sure. I guess.." Papyrus puffed up in excitement. "WONDERFUL AND IF YOU WOULD EVER LIKE TO TRY AGAIN, I WILL BE THERE TO HELP!" You... highly doubted that was going to happen, but it was nice to know. "Yeah.. ok." You agreed. "YOU SEEM LIKE A VERY SAD HUMAN. I HOPE TO HELP YOU LIVE A HAPPIER LIFE NOW THAT WE ARE FRIENDS!" You were a bit startled yet again by Papyrus declaration. "Right..." Papyrus paused and you felt yourself get scooped up into a hug from behind. "NYEH HEH HEH, I'M NOT JOKING! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL BE YOUR GREATEST FRIEND!" You were set down once more. "Ok, ok you win Papyrus. Where do you, as my friend, want to go? We can hang out or do whatever friends do."


That's how you ended up leaning against the monkey bars licking an ice cream cone while Papyrus was up on the monkey bars doing the same with his. "I THINK I WAS GOING ABOUT YOUR FEAR OF HEIGHTS THE WRONG WAY. I TRIED TO PULL YOU RIGHT INTO FLYING WHEN I REALLY SHOULD HAVE JUST BEEN FLYING WITH YOU TO GET YOU USED TO THE IDEA! START AT YOUR LIMIT OF THREE FEET AND WORK OUR WAY UP!" You nearly dropped your cone. "Excuse me, what?"
"WELL I MEAN WHEN YOU'RE READY, OF COURSE! I DON'T WANT TO PUSH THINGS!" Papyrus explained quickly. You sighed. "Why do you want to help me anyway? Just because your brother asked?" Papyrus gave a tentative lick. "YES AND NO. AT FIRST YES, IT WAS BECAUSE MY LAZYBONES BROTHER REQUESTED. HE ISN’T REALLY A FAN OF PEOPLE SO HIS REQUEST SURPRISED ME. BUT I GENUINELY WANT TO HELP YOU WITH YOUR FEAR." Papyrus explained. "EVERYONE DESERVES TO ENJOY THE FREEDOM OF FLIGHT. EVEN YOU." Well... how could you say no to that? "Alright.. let's try again tomorrow.." Papyrus beamed. "YAY! I HAVE FRIENDS COMING OVER AS WELL THOUGH, DO YOU MIND?"

Facing Fear (BT! Papyrus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now