The Greatest of Teachers

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You stared at the ground as you and Sans waited for someone on the roof. Oh stars, you were so freaking high up. "heh, calm down [Y/N]. he's a coming." You spared a fearful glance at Sans through your fluffed up feathers. He chuckled at your expense. "you really don't like heights, huh?" You wanted to screech out a yes, but something caught your eye. His feathers were so pure, so white. He glided through the air gracefully, banking in your direction. He was a tall with a long flowing orange cloak- or maybe it was a cape?- behind him. When he got closer you could see he was a Skeleton. He wore a long sleeved full black bodysuit, a white chest plate of some sort and blue Jean shorts(?) with red leg guards that reached his knees and matching gloves. To top the look off he wore orange tinted goggles over his eyesockets which he removed as soon as he'd landed. "hey kid, no drooling over my bro." Sans was trying hard not to snicker as you swiftly looked down, flushing out of embarrassment. "It's not like that.." You mumbled, mostly to yourself.


"NYEH! BROTHER, DON'T TORTURE THE HUMAN! HUMAN, I APOLOGIZE ABOUT MY BROTHER, HE CAN BE A HANDFU- ARE YOU OK? YOU LOOK A LITTLE PALE." The tall Skeleton crouched to get a better look at you, the look in his sockets was that of concern. "she's afraid of heights bro, i was wondering if maybe you could help her out?" Sans spoke for you, recapturing his brother's attention. The albino crow shot straight up. "WHY OF COURSE! THERE IS NOTHING THAT I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, CANNOT DO! WORRY NOT HUMAN, I WILL ASSIST YOU IN YOUR CONONDRUM! STARTING WITH GETTING YOU OFF THIS ROOF!" If you could, you would pale all over again. "W-what-"
"have fun buddy." Just like that you were being dragged away, thankfully not to the roof but inside, towards the elevator. "WE SHALL BUILD UP YOUR TOLERANCE, STARTING WITH A HEIGHT THAT MAKES YOU ANXIOUS, NOT DOWNRIGHT TERRIFIED." Papyrus explained making you sigh with relief. "For a moment there I thought I was in trouble." Papyrus tilted his head. "WHY'S THAT?" You didn't want to tell him that you thought he was going to drag you off the roof, so you responded with a shrug. "Wasn't sure of your method of training."


You weren't sure where Papyrus was taking you and if you should be scared or not. "WHAT IS YOUR NAME, HUMAN?" Questions like that were what made you unsure. "Um... [Y/N].." Yet you were answering anyway. Figures. "I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS. WILL HERE BE A GOOD ENOUGH LOCATION?" You looked at where you were. An open field. It was land that was for sale but nobody had bought it for development. It was a good spot, really. "Y-yeah. Yeah it will." Papyrus smiled brightly. "GREAT, LET'S GO." Papyrus was hovering over the ground in an instant. "I-I can't.." He paused, as if contemplating your answer. "OF COURSE YOU CAN, IF YOU JUST TRY!" You shook your head vehemently. "I can't fly. I will fall." Papyrus held his arm out to you. "THEN I WILL HOLD YOU UP. I WON'T LET YOU FALL." You hesitated as you looked from his outstretched hand to his face. He seemed like someone you could trust... so you reached out your own hand, and took his. With a ever widening smile, he pulled you up, your wings easily working to assist him as you left the ground.

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