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By the next day, everyone had migrated back to Ebbot and to the hospital to make sure Papyrus was ok. "WHAT HAPPENED, WHO'S MISERABLE BUTT DO I HAVE TO KICK?!" Undyne was itching to fight. "chill 'dyne, the perp was already apprehended by the police." Sans soothed. "Papyrus is gonna be ok. The doctor's said he just needs to rest and when he wakes up, he can leave." You added into the conversation. "W-well I'm glad he'll b-be ok, h-how are you doing?" You paused as the attention went from him to you. "I wasn't even a little hurt, I don't know why you're asking me.." You grumbled. "... but you were right there when it happened, that'd deal some damage." Sans almost looked ashamed that he hadn't thought to ask. "I'll be ok, guys, it's cool." You brushed off their concern. "I'll be a lot better when he gets his feathered butt up and moving again." You looked over to the doors separating you from the room Papyrus was in. "You know," Frisk piped up, "I'm sure he's worried about you too." A slight blush crawled onto your cheeks at the thought.


It was around eight thirty when Papyrus woke up, complaining that they should've woke him up because now he was late. For what, you weren't sure, but at the moment you didn't care as you hugged onto Papyrus and didn't let go. "I'm so glad to see you up and at 'em Pap.." You mumbled to him. Papyrus looked completely confused for a moment, even muttered his own confused "What?" before it came rushing at him and he hugged you back. "NYEH! [Y/N], YOU'RE UNHARMED! THANK THE STARS!" You laughed in relief, for a moment you feared he had amnesia or something. "Yeah, are you ready to get out of here?" Papyrus nodded enthusiastically. "YES PLEASE, I'D MUCH RATHER BE OUT AND ABOUT THAN CRAMPED IN HERE." You glanced at the splint holding his right wing in place while it healed. "ok bro, let's getcha outta here then." That was your que to let go. You let Papyrus stand as he looked at his splint. "I CERTAINLY HOPE YOU DON'T MIND WALKING THOUGH.."
"Not at all Pap, you heal up." Undyne gave him a reassuring thumbs up. "I'M SORRY [Y/N], WE WILL HAVE TO CONTINUE LESSONS WHEN I'M BETTER.." Papyrus sounded disappointed.


You were reconsidering the carrying Papyrus thing. One, the first time you flew you'd caught him at a weird angle. Two, your wings could probably use the strength training. You knew how much Papyrus loved to be up there, you also knew that he hated disappointing others and was probably beating himself up for it. "Hey, can we stop?" Everyone obliged you, curious as to why you had them stop. "Papyrus, can you help me out here? You're like, uber tall." Papyrus nodded both curious and confused as you positioned yourself at his side. "i thought you said you weren't gonna?" Sans said suddenly, realizing your intention. "I changed my mind." Sans smirked. "alright then, meet you up there." With that Sans took to the sky's, confusing everyone else. "That lazybones can't even walk?" Undyne groaned as your wings spread open. With your arms positioned at the center of Papyrus back and the bend in his knee you picked him up as you lifted of the ground yourself. He was still heavy, but it was a lot easier than that first time. "[Y/N] YOU'RE FLYING!!!" Papyrus all but shrieked happily. "Papyrus don't distract me!!!" Getting over their initial shock, the others joined you in flying home.

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