Party Time

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The celebration of Papyrus Homecoming became the celebration of his Homecoming and your 'first' flight per the tall Skeleton's request. "You really don't have to... besides, that was actually my third flight. My first was trying to get us out of danger and my second was following you to the hospital.." Papyrus felt a blush crawl up his cheekbones. "You saved me?" You nodded bashfully with a shrug. "It was either that or we both fall, possibly to our deaths, so I sucked it up and flew." You squeaked as you were pulled into a tight hug by Papyrus, making your own face warm. "THANK YOU, [N/N], THIS IS YET ANOTHER THING WE CAN CELEBRATE!" He said as he let go and ran for the kitchen. "COME UNDYNE, WE MUST MAKE THE BEST SPAGHETTI THE ANYONE HAS EVER SEEN!" Undyne chased after him, screaming "OH HELL YEAH!" as she did so. A small smile crept onto your face. Who would've ever thought that you of all people would have friends? Great friends who cared about each other and was there for each other when needed. You couldn't imagine your life without them now. Without Papyrus.


"so [N/N], huh?" You looked at Sans, startled. "Wait, he really called me that? I thought maybe I misheard.." Sans sighed, mumbling something about how oblivious protagonists always were and that someone should seriously change that. "surely you realized how important you are to my bro? i'd let you be with him rather than that stupid bucket of bolts anyday." You blushed at the insinuation Sans was making. S-surely it isn't like that... right..?" Sans released a long suffering sigh. "i lived with my bro my entire life. i'm pretty sure I can tell when he's romantically interested in someone. what about you? how does he make you feel?" Sans quirked a brow, waiting. How did he make you feel? Well you were less lonely for one. He pushed you out of your comfort zone in the nicest way possible. He made you happy. He made you feel confident. He made you feel safe. You could trust him with anything. "O-oh.." Sans chuckled as things clicked in place for you. "yeah, oh. you should really catch him alone, see how things go." Sans suggested as he nestled into the couch. "good luck, kiddo." You gulped.


So the celebration continued. You weren't sure when it would be a good time to talk to him so you waited for now. After dinner, you played plenty of games with them, from twister to battlefield to tag (no flight allowed since Papyrus was still healing). Then came hide and seek. You could hide anywhere inside or outside as long as it was in the yard. You were it which meant you had to find the others. You decided to check outside first since there were the least amount of hiding spots out there. When you confirmed nobody was out there, you went back in and started searching the rooms, starting with Paps. You check the closet, under the bed, under his computer desk. You caught sight of the door moving from your peripheral vision. You turned your head in that direction and walked over, pushing the door closed to see a smiling Papyrus. "I found you." You pointed out. "So you did." Oh crap. You and Papyrus. In his room. Alone. "S-so... uh, wanna talk... before we find the others?" Papyrus quirked a brow, curious. "Talk about what?" He asked as he walked a little closer. "I wanna talk about... us."

3 chapters left

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