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You plummeted. Your wings seemed to refuse to open as you fell. You looked around desperately for Papyrus. He would find you, right? Save you? Then your eyes landed on him. He was falling too, unconscious. And you realized... he was the one that needed saving, not you. It was high time for you to spread your wings and fly. "Come on wings, work stars dammit!" You snapped at yourself, knowing the ground was getting too close, too fast. They obliged you, finally, and caught just the draft you needed to swoop over to the Skeleton and catch him in a somewhat awkward position as you continued to fly down on your own. "Papyrus? Pap?!" If you weren't in this terrifying situation, you probably would've praised yourself. You finally planted your feet on the ground. "Where's the paramedics?!" Everything was as crazy down here as it was up there. What was that anyway, what was going on?! "We got one here!" Two people in paramedic uniform made there way over. "Was he hit in the attack?"
"I-I don't know! We were just flying by and then we were falling, is he gonna be ok?!"
"Don't worry, ma'am, we've got it from here." Papyrus was taken from you.


It took you a minute to fly after the paramedics. They were calling it a terrorist attack. While most humans had accepted monsters into their society there would always be that group that was against it and was radical enough to do something crazy about it. You pulled your phone out, Sans had to know. After a few rings the Skeleton picked up. "sup kiddo." You gulped as you trailed after the flocks of paramedics taking Papyrus among other monsters that were attacked to the hospital. "[Y/N]? what's going on?"
"Papyrus and I are headed to the Westside Ebbot Hospital. Papyrus was hit in a terrorist attack." Your breath staggered as you once more found yourself wondering if he was ok. "W-we were taking a late flying lesson, I-I'm so sorry, this is my fault!"
"i'll be there in a minute, and [Y/N]?" You released a quiet noise. "don't blame yourself for another's stupidity." With that he hung up. This flight to the hospital was killing you. How much longer?


Sans was there long before you, and while you were sure he had questions, he didn't ask them. You both merely followed everything happening up to the point where you were directed to wait in the lobby. From there you waited. And waited. And waited. "... you were flying on your own, paps will be proud." You glanced at Sans. "You're not scared..?" Sans glanced at you. "nah, he'll pull through, i know it. i'm more angry than scared. but, y'know, not gonna act out in the hospital so." He shrugged. At some point the police came and you had to make a statement for them. Sans looked relieved when you got back. "Did something happen while I was out? Is Papyrus ok?!" You felt hopeful. "heh, yeah. i was just informed. a stray bullet hit his wing and he hit his head, otherwise he'll be ok."
"Oh thank the stars.." You melted into your seat. "heh heh, seems you'll have to be flying him around now." You whined. "Once was hard enough, Sans!" He chuckled. "i let the others know too. they're coming back early and mettaton completely canceled the show." You flinched. "Oh wow."
"everyone loves pap, his health is much more important than some dumb show." You had to agree.

Facing Fear (BT! Papyrus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now