Birds of a Feather, Stay Together

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"Us..?" Papyrus asked, a hopeful look spreading across his features. Oh stars, he really did like you, didn't he? You bit your lip, suddenly feeling nervous about this whole thing. Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe you should wait. Papyrus leaned closer, tilting his head curiously. The sudden close proximity had you backing up into the wall as a blush consumed your face. Papyrus took notice quite quickly as he stepped forward, a uncharacteristic smirk playing on his teeth as he caged you in with his arms. "What about us?" He teased in a unbelievably husky voice that had your soul beating a mile a minute. WTF was this?! He chuckled. "I'm waiting, [Y/N]~" He purred. There was no way you were able to speak now and he knew it. He drew closer still, faces only inches apart. Just as you were about to close that gap, Papyrus pulled away, clearing his throat. "I-I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me-" He was about to walk away when you caged him in with your wings. You swallowed the lump in your throat and shakily walked over, pressing a kiss to his cheekbone.


Papyrus stared as you hid in your wings, thoroughly embarrassed. You'd done it, you just didn't know what his reaction would be knowing that you carried the same feelings as him, however new they were. You felt phalanges brush against your feathers. "[Y/N].." When you didn't tuck your wings away, Papyrus tried again. "You can come out now, Songbird." You finally peeked out, only to be pulled into a hug. "I am so happy, [Y/N].." He murmured into your hair. "I will try to be the best boyfriend... if that's what you want." Papyrus was more or less supporting you now as your legs felt too weak to support your weight anymore. Was this seriously happening?! You nodded slowly. Yes, that was what you wanted. You couldn't see it, but you could tell Papyrus was smiling. You finally managed to find your voice, no matter how small it was. "Can you just kiss me already..? You requested at barely a whispers volume. Papyrus didn't need to be asked twice. He moved his head from your shoulder to your lips in an instant, sending a warm feeling throughout your body and making you shutter with pleasure.


A flash made Papyrus pull away as you both turned to the door. You didn't know who looked more horrified in that moment, you or Alphys. "CRAP!" Undyne snapped. "I LEFT THE FLASH ON! LET'S RUN, ALPHY!" She grabbed her girlfriend and disappeared door the hall and most likely down the stairs too. "Well... it seems we've been caught already... want to follow them?" Confont them or hide..? Hiding sounded better at the moment. You shook your head. Papyrus chuckled as he picked you up and carried you to his bed. "Alright, but we will have to confront them eventually, Songbird." You knew that, but you were fine like this. Just you and him. At least for now. After awhile you did go down stairs, the girls giggling at the phone (no doubt at the picture they took) while Sans sawed logs. "If it isn't the couple of the hour~" Undyne teased. "oh give them a break, 'dyne. we all knew this was coming." Papyrus and you both blushed as the 'sleeping' Skeleton shrugged. "sorry guys, it was pretty obvious. [Y/N] just needed a little push." That sneaky little Skeleton! He set this up on purpose! You couldn't be mad though, he wasn't wrong.

2 chapters left

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