Group Session

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Flying with Pap became a daily, along with hanging out with the monsters and their ambassador. Frisk was a pretty cool kid and Toriel was very nice. "you seem to be getting around well." You looked at Sans, deadpanning. "I'm practically clutching onto your brother like a friggin lifeline when I'm in the air, I don't think things are going well at all.." You deadpanned. "I was wondering what that was, you and Papyrus dating or something?" Undyne asked as she cuddled with Alphys who looked just as eager to know. You inhaled slowly before letting it out. "I'm scared of heights, actually. Papyrus has been trying to help me through it so I can fly." To your surprise, they gave you sympathetic smiles. "Oh dang, that's tough huh? Don't worry, Paps is the best at this kind of thing! You'll be flying on your own in no time!" Undyne reassured you, which was oddly helpful and boosted your confidence a tad. "I certainly hope so.." You agreed. "NHEH! PERHAPS WE COULD TRY THE SECOND STEP SOON! FLYING IN MY ARMS WITH YOUR EYES OPEN!" You laughed nervous, confidence suddenly shattered. "R-right.." You stuttered.


"don't worry kid, we're all gonna be there to distract you from the scary stuff." You didn't think Papyrus had meant right now, but there you were, in his arms, with everyone outside with you. "I-I can't do this.."
"OF COURSE YOU CAN, I BELIEVE IN YOU!" Papyrus, ever the optimist. He didn't give much of a warning as he shot into the air. You probably would've stopped him if he had warned you. It didn't stop you from squeezing your eyes shut though. Papyrus chuckled, having expected this. "Open your eyes you nerd, your missing out!" Undyne's voice came from the right. "Give her time, she'll do it!" Frisk was on the left. "kids not wrong, let her adjust." Sans came from below you. "I won't let go, I promise." Papyrus whispered into your ear. You knew that. He never had before.. so you gathered all your courage and opened your eyes, only to squeak and close them again. "Focus on us, [Y/N], not anything else. You took a few deep breaths before trying again, this time focusing on Papyrus. His encouraging smile and bright sockets. "THERE WE GO! WELCOME TO THE FLOCK, [Y/N]!"


You fought hard not to close your eyes yet again as you looked at everyone else flying around you. Sans had caught an updraft so he didn't have to flap. "looking good, kiddo." He gave a double thumbs up. Undyne and Alphys were circling each other not to far from the group, both giving you congratulatory smiles. "I knew you could do it, punch that fear in the face!"
"Y-You're doing w-wonderful [Y/N]!" Alphys chirped. Frisk was flying just below you. "Pretty cool, huh?" You wouldn't say cool quite yet, you were still quite scared. Just not quite as scared as before now that you weren't focused on that fear. "I-I guess.." Papyrus patted your head. "DON'T WORRY, YOU WILL GET USED TO IT, THEN WE CAN MOVE ONTO THE NEXT STEP!" Oh you could guess what that meant. "Flying on my own-"
"YES, FLYING ON YOUR OWN! OF COUSRE... IF YOU'RE UNCOMFORTABLE I WILL HOLD YOUR HAND UNTIL YOUR COMFORTABLE." You blinked at Pap and blushed. He really shouldn't be saying stuff like that, it could make the others think- "awe, that's cute bro." Sans cooed. "I ship it!" The girls said at the same time. Crap.

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