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Hope stands outside of Josie's apartment door, playing over and over again the last interaction they had together. When Hope made the biggest mistake she's ever made in her life.


Josie and Hope had been casually hooking up for months. Whenever Hope had a meeting near Mystic Falls or whenever Josie called in desperation, Hope was there. It was no problem given that she had a private plane.

That's what Hope thought was happening that one day when Josie texted her.

J: Call me

Hope's eyebrow quirked, the short message could be interpreted as a little angsty.

"Hello, Josie," Hope spoke happily into the phone. "What's up?"

"When's the next time you'll be in town?" Josie asked.

"I've got some business in Baltimore tomorrow night, I could leave early and take a quick detour to Mystic Falls in the morning. Why? Is this another booty call?"

"No, I actually, I have something important I need to talk with you about."

"Oh," Hope could sense the seriousness in Josie's voice and dropped the playful act. "Of course. I'll be there as soon as I can."

Hope landed in Mystic Falls the next morning. When she got to Josie's apartment, she let herself in using the spare key Josie had given her weeks before.

"Josie," Hope called out through the apartment.

Josie emerged from her bedroom looking rather sullen.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Hope asked concerned.

Josie just sadly nodded her head.

"Did something happen to your parents? Or Lizzie?"

"No," Josie pouted.

"Please, tell me. You're making me worried."

"Hope, I'm pregnant," Josie admitted with tears in her eyes. "And it's your baby."

"Haha, very funny, Josette," Hope expected her to burst out laughing at any second.

"This isn't a joke," Josie remained serious.

"Holy shit," Hope's smile faded. "You're not kidding."

"I'm not."

"How do you even know it's mine?" Hope suddenly became defensive.

"You're the only person I've slept with in over a year. It can't be anyone else's," Josie was adamant.

"Impossible," Hope shook her head.

"Are you saying I'm some kind of slut or something?"

"The only explanation is that the baby isn't mine. I always use protection. We used a condom!"

Josie could sense the accusatory tone of Hope's voice and didn't like it one bit.

"Hope Mikaelson, I don't know how the fuck this happened, but I am pregnant and the baby is yours."

They stood there in silence for several moments before Hope started to back away.

"Wait, Hope, don't leave," Josie reached for her arm.

"I have a flight I need to catch," Hope pulled away.

I Won't Give Up - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now