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"Good morning, my love," Hope comes down the stairs the next morning carrying Luke. "Is Penelope still over?"

"Nope, she left early this morning."

"She didn't say anything to you last night, did she?" Hope wants to make sure Penelope didn't spill anything about her wanting details about the ring.

"No," Josie eyes her curiously. "You're acting a little suspicious today."

"How so?" Hope takes a few steps closer.

"Now that I think about it, you didn't come to bed until late last night," Josie comments.

"And what about it?" she whispers lowly in her ear.

They're so close that Josie can practically feel Hope's smirk.

"Were you really up that whole time doing work?" Josie lightheartedly jokes.

"Yeah, you know me," Hope pulls away and shrugs.

"Working so hard to support our family," Josie pecks her cheek before kissing Luke's head.

"I was thinking we could have a nice family day," Hope quickly changes the subject. "Maybe go to the aquarium and get some lunch after."

"That sounds like fun."

"Turn left! Turn left!" Josie yells and frantically points left.

"No! We're supposed to go straight here!" Hope drives through the intersection.

"Great, we're going the wrong way now," Josie throws her hands up in the air in defeat. "Just admit it, you're lost."

"I am not lost."

"The GPS says otherwise," Josie crosses her arms.

"The GPS keeps changing what it's saying," Hope scoffs. "It doesn't know what it's doing."

"It keeps changing because it's rerouting itself because you keep missing the turns!"

"Oh! I think I see the sign for the aquarium!" Hope shouts after 15 more minutes of arguing. "Thank fuck."

"Hope! Language," Josie looks back at Luke then glares at Hope.

"Sorry," she apologizes and thinks of an alternative. "Thank fudge."

They enter the aquarium and get admission half off because it's some random Tuesday morning.

Luke doesn't have much awareness of the fish swimming in tanks around him or really anything that's going on. This trip is decidedly more for Hope and Josie, who haven't left the house in two weeks and are going a little insane.

Luke is content lying in his stroller looking out at the world. Hope and Josie are sitting on a bench holding hands and staring at a fish tank that fills the room.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you in the car earlier," Josie apologizes.

"It's ok," Hope leans her head on Josie's shoulder. "I'm sorry for not admitting I was lost."

They watch silently as fish swim by. At one point, a big, round puffer fish swims past.

"Hey, it kinda looks like you when you were pregnant with Luke," Hope lets out a small laugh and points.

Josie immediately smacks her arm.

"I'm not apologizing for that," Josie says when Hope looks at her with a hurt expression.

"You're right," she rubs her arm. "I deserved that."

I Won't Give Up - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now