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Hope and Josie have a really chill day for the first time in a while. It's been about two weeks since Luke was born, and they've finally settled into a routine.

Hope is currently lying on the couch with him laying across her chest while Josie sits across from them with a glass of wine in hand.

They're enjoying the fireplace and each other's company when the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it," Josie gets up to answer the door. "I think it's Penelope."

"Penelope?" Hope raises an eyebrow.

"Oh my god! Penelope!" Josie shouts excitedly.

"Josie! You look amazing," Penelope kisses her cheek. "Where's my god son?"

"God son?" Hope walks over while carrying Lucas. "We didn't talk about that."

"Hope," Penelope has wide eyes.

"Don't  worry, I know you're not out to steal my girlfriend," Hope hands him to Penelope. "Meet Lucas Joseph Mikaelson."

"Hey there," Penelope lightly bounces him in her arms.

Hope still doesn't particularly like Penelope, but she'll have to deal seeing as she's apparently his god parent.

"You know, if I had known you were going to be born 3 weeks early, I wouldn't have booked that vacation," Penelope jokingly tells him. "But seriously, if there's anything either of you need, just ask."

"Thank you," Hope responds graciously. "I'm going to put him to sleep and get some work done, but you're welcome to stay over and crack open another bottle of wine."

Hope takes Luke and gives Josie a small kiss before heading upstairs.

Josie and Penelope go into the wine cellar and pick one of the thousands of bottles to split. She pours two glasses and they sit by the fire.

"So, you and moneybags Mikaelson are dating?"

"Don't call her that," Josie blushes. "It's a recent development. Hope and I are testing out a relationship, while also attempting to co-parent."

"I'm asking just because I don't want you to get hurt by her again," Penelope prefaces. "But how's all that working out for you?"

Hope catches Penelope's words as she leaves the nursery and can't help but pause and listen.

"Amazing. She's awesome with Luke. She's sweet and considerate," Josie's eyes shimmer. "This might be a little too soon, but I can see us years in the future, married and with more kids."

Hope grins widely at her words before walking into her office. The next thing she does isn't working but texting Penelope.

H: I need to cash in on that favor. Find out what Josie's dream ring is

P: Damn Mikaelsons move fast!

H: Don't get any ideas. I just want to be prepared for when the time comes 

P: I'm on it!

After Penelope sends a description of what Josie would want, Hope spends the rest of the night researching every ring in existence that matches it. After hours of searching, she thinks she's found the perfect one. She doesn't hesitate in ordering it despite the nearly 30,000 dollar price tag. Josie deserves nothing but the best.

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