Not Going Anywhere

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They continue on like this for two weeks. Hope shows up first thing in the morning to see if Josie needs anything. Josie gives her chores like laundry, or grocery shopping, or baby furniture assembly that takes up the entire day. The whole time, Josie is cold and distant, but Hope does all of it without a grumble.

Today, Josie ends the day by asking Hope to set up the baby's change table.

Three hours later, Hope emerges from the nursery. She enters into Josie's room to find her lying in bed watching tv.

"The table is all done," Hope says tiredly. "I'll let you get your rest and see myself out."

"Wait," Josie stops her before she even realizes what she's doing. "Do you want to talk to the baby for a little bit?"

"Really? You'd let me?" Hope looks to Josie with glimmering eyes.

"Mhm," Josie nods her head and motions to her stomach.

"Hey, sweetheart," Hope crouches down next to Josie and rests her head near her stomach. "I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I'm busting my butt trying to be the best mommy I can for you."

Josie can't help the smile that creeps onto her face hearing Hope say that.

"Growing up, my dad wasn't around much before he died. My mom, your grandma Hayley, died when I was a teenager too. I promise, I won't leave you, I'm here to stay," Hope looks over partially at Josie, making eye contact, before returning her gaze to Josie's stomach. "I know what it's like, and I won't let you go without one of your parents. I'll always protect you and your mom no matter what."

"I love you," Hope finishes with a small kiss to Josie's stomach. "I'll see you tomorrow, bright and early."

Hope stands up from her crouching position

"Goodnight, Jo," Hope starts to head for the door.

"Wait," Josie stops her once again.

Hope walks over to Josie confused. "Do you need something before I go?"

"No, but you do," Josie envelops Hope in a hug.

There's nothing sexual about it, just pure, kindhearted affection. Hope buries herself deeper into Josie's embrace, she didn't know how much she needed this.

"Thank you," Josie finally says. "For everything."

When they finally release each other, Josie places a chaste kiss on Hope's cheek.

"Goodnight, Hope."

The next morning, Hope shows to find Josie talking with Lizzie and two people she assumes are her parents.

They stop their conversation once they notice her presence.

"Hello, Mikaelson mutt," Lizzie has a smug look on her face. "Didn't think I'd ever have to see you again after high school."

"Good morning to you too, Lizzie," Hope flashes a fake smile at her.

"Hope, this is my mom Caroline and her husband Stefan," Josie introduces them..

"It's nice to finally meet you," Caroline hugs her. "Your father and I knew each other."

'Huh, so you're the one my dad never quite got over,' Hope thinks in her head.

"Are you a friend of Josie's?" Stefan asks as he shakes her hand.

"She's a very good friend of Josie's," Lizzie answers, earning a smack from Josie.

"Hope is actually the baby's other parent," Josie tells them.

Stefan's grip on Hope's hand immediately tightens. But then he lets go and takes a step back, eyeing her up and down, sizing her up.

"You're the one who did this to my daughter?" Stefan crosses his arms intimidatingly.

"Um, I, uh-"

"Relax, Dad. Hope has been really stepping up these past 2 weeks."

"Past 2 weeks? You are nearly 20 weeks pregnant, what about the first 18?"

"I made a mistake, sir. And I assure you I will not make it again. I'm prepared to provide for Josie and our baby in every way possible."

"And how old are you?" he questions.

"I'm 25."

"And how do you plan on supporting a family at such a young age?"

"Don't worry, Hope is loaded," Lizzie butts in. "Aside from my future niece or nephew, that's the only other good part about Josie bedding Hope."

"Elizabeth, can you please go into another room?" Caroline asks her daughter.

"Fine," Lizzie begrudgingly complies.

"For almost the past 10 years, I've been the head of my family's very successful company," Hope more delicately states her financial situation. "Money won't be an issue."

"And what about the physical and emotional? Being a parent requires more than writing a check once a month."

"I've been renting a place in Mystic Falls. And I'm willing to look for something more permanent to be around more once the baby is born."

"Ok, but what about-" Stefan begins.

"Don't interrogate her, honey," he is interrupted by Caroline. "That sounds like a great idea, Hope."

Hope goes up to Josie and gives her a small side hug.

"I'm not going anywhere."

I Won't Give Up - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now