She Knows

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A year passes and they're getting ready to celebrate Luke's 1st birthday. Josie goes out with Lizzie to prepare for the party and get lunch.

"We're home!" Josie yells through the house when they get back from their shopping trip.

She doesn't get a response, but she faintly hears the sound of Hope's voice which they follow into the family room.

She finds Hope lying down on the ground with Luke as he scribbles on a piece of paper with a crayon.

"Grandpa Klaus loved art. He made that painting that's up in our living room," Hope tells the little boy. "Because of him, I love art. And hopefully, you will one day too."

"You know, your mommy hates art," Hope continues when she sees Josie peering out from around the corner. "She burned down my room in high school along with a bunch of my paintings."

"Are you trash-talking me to my son?" Josie enters the room with her arms crossed.

"Yes," Hope smiles. "I was also telling him about the Mikaelson passion for art that started with my father. Just because my parents are gone, I don't want Luke growing up not knowing about them."

"I completely agree," Josie sits beside Hope and connects their lips.

"Ugh, bleh," Lizzie walks in and retches. "Get a room, you two. Wait, on second thought, don't. I only need one nephew right now."

"We bought some decorations for when the guests come over later," Josie quickly starts pulling streamers and balloons out of the bag. "Plus this super cool race car cake we saw at the store."

"What do you think, baby boy?" Josie picks him up to see it.

"Rahh," he lets out a high-pitched squeal, signaling his contentment.

"Who of our crazy families did we invite that I have to mentally prepare myself for?"

"My parents," Josie tries to think. "My aunt Elena and uncle Damon."

"Great," Hope mutters under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, nothing," Hope pretends like she said nothing at all. "My aunts and uncles, my little cousin Nik."

"Penelope said she'll be sleeping over."

"Plus, MG told me he'd come after work," Lizzie adds.

"Looks like we're going to have a full house," Hope remarks.

Josie nearly chokes on air at Hope's words.

"What's that, love?" Hope asks, thinking Josie was trying to say something.

"Nothing, um, there was a package for you on the front step," Josie tries to get the attention off of her. "I left it on the kitchen table."

"Ok, thanks," Hope gets up and walks swiftly into the kitchen.

"What is it?" Josie asks curiously.

"Oh, it's nothing," Hope brushes her off and turns to head upstairs with it.

"Hope?" Josie furrows her eyebrows. "What is it? Why won't you tell me?"

"It's just something for work," she says. "Don't worry about it."

Hope takes the box and darts up the stairs.

"Well, that was odd," Lizzie comments. "Even for Hope."

She turns to look at her twin and sees that all-too-familiar pout and tears in her eyes threatening to spill over.

"Woah, why are you crying? Don't cry," Lizzie takes Luke from her arms and tries to comfort her in a panic. "What's wrong?"

"She knows," Josie lets out with a whimper.

"Knows what?" Lizzie is clearly very confused.

"That I'm pregnant."

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