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Over the next few weeks, Hope and Josie grow closer. The parenting classes go from dead silence to actually talking and having fun.

This week as they wait for the class to start, they're talking about the upcoming holidays.

"My family has a house in upstate New York. We use to go every Christmas and New Years," Hope thinks back on it with nostalgia. "Maybe we can bring that tradition back when the baby is born."

"Yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun," Josie agrees.

"And speaking of houses, my dad left me an old house in Mystic Falls," Hope stops speaking when Josie starts making a weird face at her.

"Are you in pain?" Hope asks concerned.

"No, the baby is just kicking  again,"  Josie chuckles a little.

"Can I feel?" Hope asks shyly.

"Yeah, of course."

Hope gently places her hands on Josie's lower abdomen. Suddenly, she feels a small jolt.

"Woah," Hope's eyes go wide and a huge smile appears on her face. "That's incredible," Hope places a small kiss to Josie's forehead.

"What was that for?" Josie asks with a slight blush.

"For carrying our son and being so amazing through all of it," Hope grabs Josie's hand and lightly squeezes it.

That's how they are when the instructor walks into the room to begin, and that's how they stay throughout the entire class.

A few days later, Hope stops by Josie's apartment with a box of baby things. She feels like she needs the excuse to show up there unexpectedly.

Hope plans on bringing the box inside to then chat with Josie before casually mentioning the possibility of moving in together. It's a whole process, really.

She's been renovating her father's old house in Mystic Falls and didn't have a chance to ask earlier. She has a pretty good feeling Josie will say yes.

Josie answers the door and sees Hope holding the box full of things.

"Hello," Josie greets happily. "What's all that?"

"Gifts, from my family, for the baby."

"That's very sweet of them, Hope, but shouldn't you be keeping them at your place?" Josie asks. "The baby will be spending time over there with you."

"My family's a little bit extra, so they bought two of each thing, one for my place and one for yours," Hope explains.

Not that she thinks it'll be necessary since Josie and the baby will be moving in with her soon.

"Mind if I bring this box in and leave it on your counter?" Hope asks.

"No, no, I've got it," Josie insists and takes it from her.

"But you shouldn't be lifting anything heavy, so I'll take this box right back."

"Babe, who's at the door?" Penelope calls from inside.

"Oh, hey, Hope," Penelope is suddenly standing beside Josie looking very cosy together in the doorway. "What's that?" she points to the box.

"Some gifts for the baby," Hope answers in a monotone voice.

'Could Josie and Penelope be dating?' Hope wonders. She saw Penelope kiss Josie's cheek a few weeks ago, but surely Josie would've mentioned they were dating, right?

But if they're not dating, why is Penelope just randomly at Josie's? And 'babe?'

Hope begins to wonder if she and Josie aren't as close as she thought. Maybe they haven't really made all that much progress in the past few weeks.

"I'll take it inside," Penelope cheerfully grabs the box from a puzzled Hope. "Josie shouldn't be lifting anything heavy."

"Yeah, I know. She's pregnant with my kid," Hope mumbles quietly as Penelope disappears into the apartment once again.

"If that's all, then have a goodnight, Hope," Josie gives her a small kiss on the cheek and then shuts the door.

With the click of the lock, Hope's heart shatters into a million pieces.

I Won't Give Up - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now