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The next week, Penelope drops off Josie again and leaves her with a kiss to the cheek. During class, Hope is distant.

"What's wrong?" Josie decides to ask once the class ends. "Are you scared about the baby coming soon, cause you shouldn't be. You're going to be a great mom," Josie places her hand on Hope's.

"No, well, I am a little scared about the baby, but that's not it..." Hope pulls her hand away. "Nevermind, you're going to think it's stupid."

"No, tell me," Josie begs.

"I've been meaning to ask you if you'd consider moving in with me."

"Move in with you?"

"Yeah," Hope nods her head. "So that I can spend more time with the baby, he can get to know me more as he grows up, I can be around more to help you out with him."

"Hope, that sounds like a great idea. Why would I think that's stupid?"

"Because you're dating Penelope," Hope says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"What? Penelope and I aren't dating," Josie is completely taken by surprise. "Why would you think we're dating?"

"She called you 'babe.'"

"She calls everyone 'babe.'"

"I saw her kiss you in the parking lot."

"She's a very affectionate friend," Josie counters.

"She glares at me whenever you and I are together."

"You got me pregnant and ditched, she's just looking out for me."

Hope remains silent for a moment, taking it all in.

"There's nothing going on between you two?" she asks to clarify one more time.

"Absolutely nothing," Josie says definitively.

"Good," Hope smiles. "Does that mean you'll move in with me?"

"Woah, slow down. I'll consider it," Josie stops her. "But first, you have to show me this house."

"Right this way," Hope takes Josie's hand and leads the way to her car.

"You know you're going to have to get a new car, right?" Josie says as she sits in the passenger seat. "Your two-door Bentley isn't going to cut it with a baby."

"I refuse to get a mom-van," Hope is quick to say before driving off.

Josie's jaw drops when they arrive at Hope's "house." The place was a mansion, 4 or 5 houses could fit inside of it.

Hope gives the full tour. There's a huge kitchen, formal dining room, living room, piano room, library, courtyard, countless guest rooms. But most importantly, a nursery and play room.

"I've been renovating for a while, but I spent this past weekend painting his room."

"It's amazing," Josie comments, looking around at the powder blue walls with small trains along the moulding.

Hope really is a good artist.

"Aw, this is a cute toy," Josie picks up a stuffed wolf amongst a pile of other stuffed animals and blankets.

"His name is Wolfy."

"You named it?" Josie chuckles.

"Yeah, he used to be mine," Hope says. "My father gave him to me when I was born, so I figured I'd give it to our son."

"Aw, Hope, that's so sweet."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Hope waves Josie off. She knows she can be a sentimental mush sometimes.

"So, what do you think?" Hope asks. "Of course, if you say yes, I'll hire a company to move all yours and the baby's things here."

"Are you trying to bribe me?" Josie jokes.

"No, I just really want you to say yes," Hope's eyes have a glimmer in them.

After a few moments of deliberation, Josie gives her highly awaited response.


"Yes?" Hope repeats in shock.

"Yes," Josie nods with a smile.

"I still can't believe you've had this mansion in Mystic Falls this whole time," Josie nudges Hope. "Why the hell did you choose to stay in your tiny dorm room at the Salvatore school?"

"I would've been a 16 year old orphan living in a huge mansion by myself. It would've been desperately lonely," Hope tells her. "Now that you and the baby are moving in, I won't be alone anymore."

They're lulled into silence. Hope looks over at Josie and can tell she wants to say something but is holding back.

"What's on your mind?" Hope eventually questions.

"I'm sorry for pushing you away," Josie lets out. "It was wrong of me to let my feelings get in the way of your chance to be a parent. If you want to pursue other relationships, then who am I to stop you."

"I don't want to pursue other relationships," Hope takes a step closer and gently brushes a piece of Josie's hair behind her ear. "I thought I made it clear when I kissed you, that you're the only one I'm interested in having a relationship with."

Hope is looking back and forth between Josie's eyes and lips with intent.

"Can I kiss you?" she finally asks.

"Please do," Josie gives her permission.

Their lips connect with heated passion after months of longing.

Josie's arms are draped over Hope's shoulders and loosely hang around her neck. Hope's hand cups Josie's jaw and gently caresses the soft skin.

Josie takes control of the situation, pushing Hope until her back hits gently against the wall and giving her a downright dirty look.

"I want you," she whispers lowly in Hope's ear.

"Are you sure, Josie?" Hope pauses for a moment.

"Yes," Josie says breathlessly. "Show me to my room."

I Won't Give Up - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now