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The next morning, Josie wakes up in Hope's bed alone, much to her disappointment.

'Maybe she had a work thing,' Josie reasons in her head.

She pushes the blankets off of her and pulls on her shirt.

"Good morning, beautiful," Hope walks in.

"Oh my god!" Josie jumps.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," Hope kisses her forehead and places a tray of food on the nightstand next to her. "I made waffles for breakfast."

"Thanks," Josie's heart rate starts going back to normal.

 "How did you sleep last night?"

"Alright, I guess. I'm so sore," Josie complains as she stretches a little.

"I'm just that good, huh?" Hope grins smugly.

"Don't be an ass," Josie throws a pillow at Hope. "It's because of the baby. He's been killer on my back lately."

"Oh," Hope frowns. "Don't worry. I've got you, love."

Hope sits beside Josie on the bed and begins rubbing her back and gently massaging it.

"Mhmm," Josie moans. "That feels really good, Hope. It might even be better than sex."

"Might be better than sex?" Hope scoffs. "Let me see if I can sway your opinion."

Hope's fingers make their way forward from their position massaging her back.

"Nope," Josie places her hands on Hope's to stop her. "This is the price you pay for getting me pregnant."

Hope rolls her eyes a little but continues massaging Josie because she is carrying their child.

Over the next few days, Josie packs up her stuff in her apartment and Hope hires a moving company to bring it all to her place. Now all that's left is unpacking.

"Hey," Hope shouts across the room at the sight of Josie carrying one of the boxes. "Let me take that. You shouldn't be lifting anything heavy."

"Come on, it's not that heavy."

"No, love," Hope says definitively, taking the box from Josie.

"Then what am I supposed to do while you're hard at work on our house?"

"I don't know, but I'm serious. You are in your last few weeks of pregnancy and I'm not risking anything going wrong."

"Fine, I guess I'll go online and shop for onesies or something," Josie walks out of the room with a sigh.

"Good, that sounds like a nice hazard-free activity!" Hope shouts after her. "My credit card is on the counter!"

Josie grins at how ridiculous Hope is sometimes.

She sits down with her laptop and starts looking through onesies and blankets and toys and pacifiers and every other baby item that exists.

She adds some to her cart and hits checkout. She gets up to grab Hope's credit card from the counter like the girl said when she feels a slight popping sensation and a splashing sound against the tile floor.

"Oh no," Josie panics realizing what's happening. "You're not supposed to come until next month, baby boy."

Josie slowly makes her way up the stairs and into the hallway.

"Hope!" she calls out.

There's no response, and the girl could literally be anywhere.

'Curse this huge house,' Josie thinks to herself.

"Hope?" she starts looking in all the rooms.

She eventually walks into a room and finds Hope humming to music playing in her headphones while she's pushing furniture around.

"Oh, hey," Hope notices the girl and takes our her earbuds.

Right at that moment, Josie is hit with a contraction and doubles over in pain.

"Jo?" Hope rushes to her concerned.

"The baby, he's coming," Josie manages to get out through the pain.

"He's coming!" Hope repeats in a panic. "He's not supposed to come for another 3 weeks!"

"I know!" Josie shouts back with a groan of pain.

Hope just stands there staring at her frozen in shock.

"Go get a bag ready!" Josie orders. "We need to go to the hospital!"

"Right, right," Hope snaps out of her trance and runs out of the room.

"What do we need? Diapers, the car seat?" Hope shouts through the house.

Josie can hear Hope running around and shuffling through drawers.

"Oh, and snacks, and do you want your headphones, Jo? And-" Hope trips and falls down the stairs.

"Hope?"Josie looks up after hearing the loud crashing sound.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," Josie sees Hope scrambling past the open doorway with her arms full.

She hears Hope open the garage and the car door before she re-enters the house and is at her side.

"Are you ready?" Hope asks as she holds Josie's hands in hers.

Josie nods her head slightly.

"Let's go have our baby."

I Won't Give Up - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now