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Being first-time parents is difficult. Everything is chaotic and neither of them have had proper sleep in the days since he was born.

Hope wakes up in the middle of the night hearing him cry from Josie's room. She gets up to go check on him.

"What are you doing up?" Hope asks when she sees Josie standing at the baby's crib.

"Attending to our child?" Josie answers questioningly.

"No, go lie back down, I've got him," Hope insists. "You're still recovering from the surgery."

"The doctor said it's good to move around a little," Josie counters. "Besides, you're one to talk, miss fractured ankle."

Hope is standing there with the help of a boot, no longer needing crutches.

"Fine, but the next time he cries, I'm going to get up for him," Hope says. "And I'm going to lay myself right here in your bed to stop you in case you try to do it yourself behind my back."

"And who said chivalry is dead?" Josie asks sarcastically.

"Goodnight," Hope makes herself comfortable in Josie's bed, but she never fully relaxes until his cries stop and she feels Josie get in bed beside her.

Josie falls asleep quickly, but Hope can feel her tossing and turning in her sleep to get comfortable.

Hope is surprised when she feels arms wrap around her waist and pull her close. Josie nuzzles her face into the crook of Hope's neck.

Hope makes no attempt to stop her, it's not completely unpleasant. And who is Hope to keep Josie from a good night's sleep?

She only peels herself away from the brunette a few hours later when she wakes up to hear Lucas crying again.

"I bet you're hungry, little man," Hope puts on her boot and limps her way to the kitchen to heat up a bottle.

She then returns and lifts him out of his crib. She holds him in her arms and feeds him his bottle. Once he's finished drinking, she sings him a lullaby and lays him back down before collapsing back into Josie's bed.

She wakes up the next morning to Josie and the baby gone.

When she makes it down to the family room, she finds Josie on the couch with him.

"Good morning, baby boy," Hope walks over and kisses his head.

She then kisses Josie's head and takes a seat next to her. They spend a few moments lovingly watching over their son.

"How did you sleep?" Hope asks.

"Great, I only woke up when you got up for Luke," Josie responds. "You have a pretty voice."

"Did I wake you?" Hope grimaces, slightly embarrassed that Josie heard her singing. "It's just, you kinda were cuddling with me in your sleep, and I couldn't really figure out a peaceful way to get your arms from around me."

"I did what in my sleep?" it's Josie's turn to be embarrassed.

"Don't worry, it was kinda nice," Hope shyly admits. "I like being close to you, knowing you're safe."

"You know, you could sleep in my room permanently," Josie suggests casually.

"Really? You and I aren't even dating yet. Isn't that crossing some boundary?"

"I think we've already crossed some boundaries," Josie blushes. "And besides, we should fix that. Hope, I'd really love to keep getting to know you better. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, of course I will," Hope answers immediately. "As long as you'll be mine."

I Won't Give Up - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now