What Are You Doing Here?

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"Hope?" Josie's eyes look like they're going to pop out of her head. "What are you doing here?"

Josie makes an effort to fix her robe and push her hair out of her face to look more decent. 

"I came to apologize. Can I please come in? It's freezing out here," Hope's arms are huddled around her.

"No!" Josie yells angrily.

"No?" Hope is staring at her with wide eyes.

"No!" Josie repeats. "You came to apologize? You expect me to believe you changed overnight?"

"Listen, I spoke with my family and they knocked some sense into me. Literally," Hope recalls when her aunt smacked her with the magazine.

"Frankly, I don't care what your messed up mafia family said. The point is, you let us down."

Hope ignores the dig to her family because she knows Josie is upset and it's her fault.

"But I'll do better."

"I've heard those words before," Josie rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.

"I know I keep messing up, and I'm sorry, but I have a right to raise our son just as much as you," Hope finds herself raising her voice.

She's trying not to yell at Josie because that's not at all her intention, but she ends up shouting nonetheless.

"I know what it's like growing up without a parent, I don't want the same for him."

"Fine," Josie relents after a few moments of thought.

"Oh, thank goodness," Hope lets out a sigh of relief. "I promise, Jo, I'm not going to let you or him down again."

Hope steps forward to enter the apartment.

"What are you doing?" Josie blocks her.

"Going inside your apartment?" Hope answers with a questioning tone.

"I said you could raise our son, you have that right as his parent. So after he's born we'll work out some custody agreement," Josie tells her. "But until then, I don't need your help. I don't want it."

Josie slams the door in Hope's face.

"Way to tell off that witch!" Lizzie goes to high five her sister.

Josie looks up at her twin's hand then sadly shakes her head. She sits down on the couch and begins to sob into her hands again.

"Hey, no, don't cry," Lizzie comforts her. "Look at the bright side."

"What bright side?" Josie sniffles.

"Um, well, Hope is like a bazillionaire, so child support. And she's been paying your rent. Plus, you'll have a free babysitter every other weekend. Not too shabby."

"I guess so."

The following week, Josie has another appointment with her aunt Elena which she doesn't tell Hope about, because why would she?

Instead, she asks Penelope to come with her. Lizzie is stuck doing jury duty, so it just makes sense to invite one of her best friends.

Penelope picks Josie up in her black convertible the next morning. Josie explains the whole situation on their way there.

They eventually arrive at the doctor's office and enter the exam room where they're greeted by Elena.

"Josie, good to see you again," they hug. "And who is this?"

"Hi, I'm Penelope Park, a friend of Josie's," she politely extends her hand to shake Elena's.

"It's nice to meet you," Elena smiles and then turns back to Josie. "No Hope this time?"

Josie shakes her head.

Elena hums in response, not seeming disappointed at all. Hope was rather hostile toward her during the last appointment.

"So, same as last time, lift your shirt a little," Elena instructs her.

Elena applies the gel, causing Josie to let out a small squeal and grab Penelope's hand.

"Sorry," Josie apologizes embarrassed. "It's a little cold."

"Don't worry, you called on me to assist you during this appointment, so here I am assisting," Penelope smiles at her.

"Your baby is measuring about 24 weeks and is perfectly healthy," Elena announces happily.

"Oh my gosh," Penelope looks at the screen with the baby in awe.

"He's really something, huh?" Josie smiles widely.

"Now, I'm not going to have to see you again until a little closer to the birth. But if you have any questions or concerns just give me a call," Elena tells them.

"It was nice to meet you, Dr. Salvatore," Penelope says goodbye.


"Thank you, aunt Elena."

"Of course, sweetie," they hug.

"I really like this one, Jo," Elena whispers before leaving the room, causing a blush to spread across Josie's face.

"Is something wrong, Josie?" Penelope questions. "You looked a little flushed."

"Nope, everything's fine," she quickly responds.

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