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IT must've been the pure adrenaline rushing through her veins that sent her brain straight into flight or fight mode, and instinctively, Wanda's default was fight. Always fight, flight made you weak, made you prey. She was not prey.

The comedown was not as relieving as she had assumed, though. The whole battle she spectated with a scarlet tinge coating her vision it anger. She barely caught the sight of Tony Stark with the stones slotted neatly into his infamous suit, the pure power of it searing through his skin as it sent bolts of energy frying his arm. It was with an affirming clench of his teeth, he snapped his fingers, and the world seemed to pause.

She never knew Stark that well, her initial thoughts of him growing up were clouded with fury as he was the one responsible for his parents death, in her mind at least. Sometime after her brothers death, he had crept into the room he had provided her, which she hesitantly accepted, not wanting to owe the man anything.

He rushed a sincere apology, assuring her she could live in peace now, that he would cover any and every finance necessary. It infuriated her to no end, her family was dead, they were gone, completely. And he thought she could live in peace? That money was her only problem in life? She was too numb to snap, to do anything, she just stared at him, a distant look in her eyes as he frowned, ducking out of the room.

So no, she had never been close to Tony Stark, but she had heard stories. So many stories. And eventually, they had shed the hatred between them. Never friends, but civil, acquainted, if you will. It struck a nerve in her seeing the man in the state of life draining from him, and her heart cracked ever so slightly as she watched the wave of grief crash over her teammates. She was familiar with grief, and she hated that it was coming for them again.

Amongst all of the emotions, her own grief had been lost somewhere in the storm, her mind practically buzzing with adrenaline, nerves fried as she remained in hyper-vigilance unknowingly.

She stumbled over to where many of the recognizable avengers were gathered, and inclined her head in respect as she heard his wife, Pepper, and Spiderman utter their last goodbyes to Stark. Watching on numbly, she felt as reality banged into her harshly, almost knocking her completely off balance.

And as the final breath of life was drained from him, a sob torn out from Pepper's throat distantly piercing her ears, a silence overcome the battlefield. It was a loud silence, louder than the heavy breathing coating it.

Nimble fingers raised to her face, tracing across her cheek down to her neck absent-mindedly as she grounded herself, the protection of adrenaline wearing away as the exahusting slammed into her weakened frame.

Honestly, she didn't know what to do, the reality of it all was harsh , and the only thing she could process was her body's desire for sleep, her legs threatening to buckle and send her kneeling into the rubble. The metallic, unmistakable of smell blood infiltrated her senses, and she cringed, trembling hands wiping away the sweat in her palms on her dirty trousers.

Her hands fell limp by her side, and her gaze flitted around, waiting for someone to react, to do anything. She watched as Captain America fell to his knees, overcome with exhaustion or emotion, Wanda couldn't tell. Some of the others followed the motion, ducking their heads in respect.

With little else option, and the tiredness in her limbs becoming harder to ignore, she followed on, body failing her as she was sent to her knees, a pounding in her head, and a dull ache in her chest.

WAR OF HEARTS ➵ scarletfrostWhere stories live. Discover now