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"Oh, you came! How lovely," Mary exclaimed as soon as she caught sight of Wanda, giddy with excitement as she inclined her head in respect at Loki, with a shy greeting, before all but snatching Wanda away from him. She wasn't mad about it, though, she would spend as less time with Loki as possible.

Besides, the hall was undeniably stunning, and she decided she would take the time to admire it without a looming threat over her shoulder. She gazed longingly at the crystal chandeliers, the shining walls, the women twirling around in long, intricately designed gowns. She didn't belong here.

"Wanda, come along, I would like to introduce you to a good friend of mine, Sir Edwin Louis," she told her with a smile which lit up her entire face. Attempting not to stumble on her dress, or her feet, Wanda followed, ignoring the whispers that were not so sly around her. She supposed it was because she was new, but it didn't help to soothe the roaring red in her stomach, it was always so defensive.

Much to Wanda's relief, Mary slowed her pace in order to point out all the passer-by's to Wanda, reciting to her everything she knew about them from the top of her head. It was almost impressive. Wanda nodded absentmindedly, knowing she was never going to remember all these names. The day had been long, and this ball was no good end to it, despite how much her inner child may be longing for it, perhaps it was a testament to her own stubbornness that she refused to let herself enjoy this. The world was ending, why shouldn't she enjoy this? She was going to die, the team was going to die, Pietro was going to die-


A flame ignited inside of her at the thoughts, waxing and waning in her stomach, bursting alight, almost similar to her red, not again. He was not going to die again. She couldn't fail again. She hadn't wanted her powers, for years they felt.. wrong, like they didn't belong to her, like her skin was not hers. But when it came down to it, the powers were bestowed upon her from the universe, whether she liked it or not, and didn't she owe it to protect that same universe? Maybe the responsibility was hers for a reason, despite all her internal thoughts roaring the opposite.

"Wanda? Are you quite alright?"

"Yes," she hastily responded, maybe slightly too hasty, and her face flushed at the outburst, "My apologies I was just.. thinking."

"Ooh, pray tell," Mary drawled out, and at Wanda's plain expression, she bristled, inclining her head, "I am sorry, that was rather upfront, we have just met."

"No, no, it's okay," the witch shook her head with a gentle smile, "I was thinking about home. I do so adore it here, but I just suppose-"

"Ones heart always lies at home," Mary concluded with a gentle smile, before the two continued walking, "My mother often said that, she told me and my sister we were always to come home to her.. how I wish I had appreciated that more."

Wanda's expression turned dark, her lips contorting into a frown, "Has she passed on?"

"Yes, unfortunately," Mary affirmed, before shaking her head and lightening up her face with a wide smile, running her gloves down the ruffles of her gown, "But we musn't mull on it, this is a ball, after all, we should enjoy ourselves!"

Ignoring how her heart twinged at the memory of her own mother, the only woman she had ever considered her home, Wanda hummed in agreement. With a newfound happiness, Mary threaded her arm through Wanda's guiding her to the man she had wanted to introduce her to previously.

WAR OF HEARTS ➵ scarletfrostWhere stories live. Discover now