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"Bruce calm down you aren't making any sen-"

"You aren't hearing me!" The man-creature exclaimed, exasperation evident in his voice. Honestly, Wanda couldn't tell what he was anymore, it may have been a bit of a stretch to refer to him as a man.

"Its been a rough couple of days, maybe we all need some time to process before this.." Steve suggested, drawing a frustrated groan out of Bruce, who let himself fall onto a couch. It creaked under his weight, but it seemed to hold up well enough.

"Let him- let him finish," Wanda interrupted, her curiosity was peaked now, and she wasn't going to let it go unanswered. She looked at Steve with a raised brow, and he just hung his head slightly lower and waved his hand out to beckon Bruce to continue.

"Thank you," he sighed, and she sent him a tight smile, "We needed to get the stones to bring everyone back, but we need to get them back to their time, right?

A few odd nods were scattered across the room, and he took the non-verbal responses as a sign to continue.

"Right, well, what if we snap again? Send them back to where they came from, and- and," he cut himself off, but Wanda was intrigued now, leaning further forwards with her elbows resting on her thighs.

"And?" Her impatience grew, and she would've normally cringed at herself for the interruption, but she couldn't bring herself to care in the moment.

"We can bring back the ones we lost." He breathed out, and Wanda felt her entire face slacken. The room went silent, and all she could hear was the sound of her own breathing. They could bring everyone back? They could bring everyone back.

Tony, Nat, Vis.

On the run, she had gotten closer to the assasin, she had been the only other woman so naturally, Wanda found herself more comfortable around her. She was one of the last to forgive Wanda after the whole Ultron event, but sometime amidst her grief, the spy had come in her room to coordinate Pietro's funeral. She had answered the womans questions numbly, her mind barely processing. All she knew was she wanted him buried in Sokovia, with their parents.

The rest she remembered from that day was uttering out an apology, feeling stupid for not have done it when she walked in, and Nat waved her off with a 'Thank you'.

And Vis. After Ultron, she never thought she'd look at the robot again, too afraid of being reminded of the monster who killed her brother. She was proven wrong though, when he walked into her room with almost child-like curiosity about the Sitcom she was watching. It'd become their tradition, watching Sitcoms together as she explained the jokes which he stumbled over. Eventually, he had become Wanda's closest friend, even if it sounded slightly pathetic her best friend was a robot. He was more than a robot to her.

"But it didn't work last time," Clint's voice came piercing through the silence, "When we tried to- to bring back Natasha. It didn't work."

Her heart clenched slightly at the crestfallen look in eyes of the man she had began to view like a brother, and she felt herself deflate slightly. She was so stupid to think this would have worked.

"No, it didn't. But thats because we were reversing the snap. This time, this time I can reverse the sacrifices, the individual deaths-"

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