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"Vis?" She whispered, but it sounded more like a plead than a question. He was back, he was here.

Without a beat of hesitation, she threw herself into his arms, and he accepted her gracefully, hands rubbing comfortingly down her back, as she let red hair spill over his shoulder like blood.

"Hi," she laughed, tears travelling down her neck as she smiled up at him, and he returned it. Behind her, she listened to the relieved sobs and laughs. God, it hadn't been like this in ages. They needed this.

"Thor, is that a robot?" A voice snickered, and she felt as defensiveness brewed in her stomach. Turning her head, she found a man with long black hair, dressed in an all green costume with a golden cape waving behind him. Narrowing her eyes, she heard Vis reassure her it was fine. With a huff, she let it go. She didn't care about some random prince's opinion anyways.

Despite it, a single thought swirled in the back of her mind as she hesitantly let go of Vis, a pang in her chest as she clenched her jaw in determination.

Opening another portal, she felt her eyes burn, and she couldn't tell if it was the scarlet now illuminating them or the tears pooling in her eyes. The first sight she was met with was the barren landscape of her home country, the area surrounding the large gap in place of where Novi Grad should be now desolate and abandoned. No one wanted to be around it. No one wanted to be reminded of the loss of the city. Neither did she.

She had other things to worry about now though, and she stumbled through the portals, lifting her arms to rest against her chest as her nails subconsciously pierced the skin against her collarbone. She could hear her own breathing, the sound of her shoes softly patting against the ground as she took small, hesitant steps forward.

"Wanda?" She spun so quickly she almost fell off balance. Her mind spun, every thought she had about her brother over the last few years all slamming into her heart at once, as she solidified all of her strength, and twisted her body around.

And she was met with the face of none other than Pietro Maximoff.

The strangled sob which escaped her throat sounded distant to her, and she slammed into his body, a desperate attempt to be closer to him as he held her.

"Shh, it's okay. It's okay, I'm here, I'm here," and he was. Her heart burst as every tear that had built up over the years reached the surface, the dam shattering all over his shoulder.

Amidst her sobbing, she didn't notice how long they had sat their before her cries died down, and she let out a chuckle. Normally, she wouldn't allow this level of vulnerability in front of anyone, let alone the whole team, but everyone seemed too distracted to care in the moment.

"Oh my God, you're here, you're alive," her voice broke halfway through, and she grasped at the sides of his face as she shook him gently.

"Never," she warned, her fist coming to slam against his chest, "- Fucking. Do. That. Again."

Hands gently capturing her wrists, he pulled her hands away, assuring her he wouldn't as he dragged both of them through the portal, the witch still clinging to him.

"I'm sorry, Sestra, it won't happen again," he whispered, a smirk etched on his face, as he teased her softly, gaining another harmless punch against his chest. As the portal closed before her, she caught Clint's eye as they widened at the sight of Pietro.

WAR OF HEARTS ➵ scarletfrostWhere stories live. Discover now