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That night seemed to last forever, backing drinks, swaying in a drunken haze, laughing herself breathless over anything remotely humorous. It felt good. It made her feel alive. The waves of adrenaline and a bottomless source of energy consistently pumping her with life. How had she gone five years without any of the precious, rich gift of feeling. The feeling that she dreaded when it threatened to tear her heart out, but somehow simultaneously filled her with a haze of happiness.

Eventually, she had dragged herself away, swinging a last shot before strutting rather ungraciously up to her designated room, latching on to one of Thor's Asgardian maids. She didn't miss the amused glint in Hadrian's eyes, which seemed to disappear in a blink, as she stumbled away.

All else from that night seemed to be forgotten, apart from collapsing in her bed and awaking with a ground-breaking, excruciating headache. God damn that Asgardian mead Thor had advised her against, the intial thrill of it held no power compared to the pain it entailed.

Crinkling her nose, she suddenly remembered that she had forgotten to change the night before, and had been now wearing this dress for well over how many hours- what time was it? Her gaze flitted across the room in search for a clock of some sort, only to be unsuccessful. Sighing, she glanced down again, she hadn't remembered packing any other clothes, but maybe Pietro had brought an extra hoodie she could slip into.

That idea was shut down as soon as she had come to the realisation that she had no idea where the fuck she was. Shooting up, she flung her arm out in search of her phone or purse, and was flooded with instant relief as her fingers brushed the leathery material of her bag. Fumbling with the zipper, she managed to locate her phone amidst the random rubbish, makeup, earphones, gloves that she had no doubt abandoned the night before, papers.

A certain crumpled paper, however, she had unintentionally pulled out alongside her phone, and it utterly redirected her attention as she hitched a breath as the words tumbled a brick of realisation over her.

"Thought it was best I should return this to you, must've gotten lost - L"

Fuck. She had completely forgotten about the mission, about the Multiverse, about everything. After all her stress about Loki wasting time, she herself had slipped away into a drunken haze, and by the looks of it, drank herself stupid.

Swinging her feet over the side of the bed, she swiftly discarded the paper back amongst the endless contents of her bag before sliding off the bed. She cringed as her feet met the icy marble floor, shivering slightly at the ruthless cold of the room that had only now hit her after leaving the comforts of the blanket.

Back to the matter at hand, she decided, which was hunting down clothes she could wear before attempting to hunt down Loki. She refused to remain in the dress she had been in for God knows how many hours, as she had still failed to uncover the time. Her first victim of investigation was, quite obviously, the wardrobe. Slight issue? It had no handle.

Biting her lip in annoyance, Wanda stared at the large object, what wardrobe didn't have a knob? Was she supposed to pry the door open? Frustrated, she slammed her hands against it, turning on her heel to walk away before being halted at the sound of a soft beep. Snapping around, she raised a brow at the wardrobe, which had just began to glow blue in the section she had slammed her hand in her enraged episode.

Warily, she reached out again, hesitating for a second before letting her hand meet the rough material again, prompting it to illuminate blue in the outline of her hand, before clicking in satisfaction. She pulled her hand away as the grand doors automatically opened at her command, and for a second, she marvelled at it.

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