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"We need to go back, undo it. Surely if you see all, then you can take us there," Loki declared after a short silence. Wanda snapped her head around to him in an instant, as the pieces seemed to fall into place. This is why he was so insistent on going to Asgard. Shit, maybe he did know what he was doing.

Shaking her head, the witch recovered quickly as she straightened herself with a shaky inhale, sending Heimdall a curt nod of agreement. It wasn't in her nature to agree with Loki, but it was the air of the situation that made her feel compelled to open her mouth in his defense as Heimdall began to protest.

"What choice do we have?" She questioned coldly, a vacant state in her eyes as she let out a dry chuckle, snapping herself out of her haze. She didn't have the time to waste on getting lost in her own thoughts, no matter the gravity of the situation or how much it threatened everything she had ever worked for. No time.

Loki raised a brow at her, but recovered quickly as he looked to the other man with an urging look in his eyes, "You and I both know the significance of this, Heimdall. You must do this."

A silence fell upon them as Heimdall pondered on it, a solemn look plauging his features as he sighed, shaking his head as he ascended his grand, golden staircase, the reflection of his frame depicted in the shining material. The sound of his boots against the metal rung in the room as he approached his sword which remained lodged in the centre, an undeniable energy vibrating from it recognisable by everyone in the room.

Wanda held her breath as his hands grazed the weapon, and he bristled slightly at the rush of power overcoming him before bringing the other hand to join it, grasping the sword tightly in both palms as he looked up and met both the sorcerers eyes.

"I have known you for many years Loki," he began, taking in a shaky breath as he struggled to contain the power brewing beneath his grasp, "I may not trust you, but I can trust you will make this right."

Idly, Wanda wondered if he was even to be trusted with that. But internally, she knew the thought was trivial, even she could sense the urgency radiating off of him as detectable as the sense of danger. Though she was maybe blindsided by hatred, Wanda was not stupid, she could see the genuineness in his words, actions and- focus Wanda.

Heindall trailled off, gaze floating away from Loki and lingering onto Wanda as he tilted his head ever so slightly, eyes narrowed in a way which wasn't exactly scrutinizing, but more examining, questioning. As if she was a puzzle to be solved, a time bomb to be disabled, or escaped from. His gaze was intense, fierce, but not threatening, it was the stare of a man with knowledge even beyond hers.

Dryly, she supposed most people's knowledge would be beyond that of a high school dropout due to a war-ridden country, but it was the sentiment that counted. She shook away the thought, reminders of Sokovia haunted her mind every day regardless, she didn't need to assist it.

"You will do us well, Scarlet Witch," his voice rung out loud and clear in the room, assertive, but tainted with a tint of hope nonetheless, a sense of wishful belief.

And with that, Heimdall called upon the power he had been blessed upon with, and twisted his sword, eyes flashing a gold so bright that it was blinding. A colour so rich, so much more genuine and comforting than her raging, cutting red. A colour of a palace and royalty, while hers was the colour of blood, tragedy, loss. She supposed the both of them, the red and gold, fit appropriately to their wielders.

The room flashed a spectrum of colours, blinding her as she reached her arms out to shield her eyes from the assault. Wind swept around them aggressively, the sound deafening out any other noise, apart from the distant sound of a chant in a foreign language.

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