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As soon as she had properly processed the reality of her situation, her previous forgiveness for Pietro melted away instantly. He would not be forgiven for making her sit next to this asshole. Moodily, she surrendered into the seat, not missing the way he rolled his eyes and shifted away, a disgusted curl in his lip.

Sniffing, she opted to just avoid his existence at all costs, but she wasn't sure how she would do that for a NINE hour trip. With a sigh, she pulled out a pair of earphones from her side bag, plugging them into her phone as she played music, shutting her eyes to block all her senses from her reality. Soon enough, her mind drifted away from the distant drone of chatter, head lolling back slightly to lean against the head of her chair.

For a while, it was peaceful, her mind could stray away from everything and surrender into-

A shoulder brushed against hers, and she flinched to the side rather unceremoniously, knocking her back over as it threw up its contents upon the cold, metal floor. Shooting a deadly glare towards Loki, she all but snatched her earphones from her ears.

"What the fuck?" She swore under her breath as to not be heard, but the tumble of her bag had already captured the attention of quite a few of her team.

Tilting back his head as if he was confused, he shot back with a smirk, "It wasn't on purpose, calm down."

"Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down when I have to sit besides you for the next few hours?" She couldn't help but snark out, the complaint which had been brewing in her finally creeping to the surface.

"Then move, by all means," he slithered in response, eyes darkening at her. Jutting out her chin, she raised a brow at him, ignoring the rather apologetic look Pietro sent her once again.

"Really? If you're planning to find me another chair, then it'd be my pleasure," she offered, leaning back in her seat. Scoffing, he took a scan of the room, before gesturing to the floor beside her, on which her bag lay strewn upon.

"Since no one considered sitting by you," he trailed off, shaking his hand as if to get her attention, despite the fact she was glaring dead at it, "Why not sit on the ground if I am that much of an issue."

"You-" she spluttered, attempting to contain herself from blowing up and starting another fight. Being the bigger person was such a burden, she noted as she gritted her teeth and wordlessly put in her earphones again, shuffling all the way to the corner of her seat to be as far away from him as possible, even if it was childish.

Apparently her music wasn't loud enough, because she could hear his sarcastic inquiry of, "Aren't you going to pick up your belongings?"

Pushing away a snarky response, she did not open her eyes as she raised a hand and contorted her fingers, a red glow emitting on top of them before reaching the floor and neatly rearranging everything which had spilt out back where it came from, and sending the back up into the compartment above her.

Wordlessly, he shook his head before leaning back in his chair. The stares which were pointed in their direction eventually redirected back to their own business, but no doubt had disturbed the team.

Yeah, something told her this would be a long trip.

Falling. The first thought to register in Wanda's head as she began to reel back into consciousness, was that she was falling. Her head snapped up immediately, and she groaned at the realisation that she had been woken up by her head falling out of her hand. The jet was fairly silent by now, a few whispers lingering.

WAR OF HEARTS ➵ scarletfrostWhere stories live. Discover now