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"We're passing the hotel now, my Lords," a voice called out timidly, distracting both Wanda and Loki from the conversation they were entertaining with false engagement with these new people. At the thought of being alone (save for Loki, of course), Wanda visibly sighed of relief, hoping it wasn't noticeable. The others, however, did not seem to have the same response.

"Ah, it is truly a shame you have to leave so soon," Mary frowned, genuine disappointment plaguing her features as Wanda felt a slight tinge of guilt. How she had so quickly become attached to this random girl, she did not know, but she almost felt bad leaving her unattended. Rationally, Wanda knew that wasn't the case, she had people with her.

Besides, the witch had more pressing matters at the moment, particularly about the universe being on the brink of shattering. Wanda hitched a breath. Putting things so bluntly only hurt herself, she should really stop.

Hesitating for a moment, Loki opened his mouth as the carriage came to a halt to allow for him and Wanda to exit, but he was interrupted abruptly as he was about to wish them goodbye. "Perhaps you should come back to our manor, there is room for many more, I assure you."

At the suggestion by Lord Squalor, Mary gasped and nodded enthusiastically, and Thomas let out a meek chuckle as he nodded in agreement, clearly seeing how happy it made Mary. Wanda didn't seem to notice, too caught up trying to figure out how best to approach the situation.

She didn't know how long she could keep up this act, and it clearly wasn't much longer, but a hotel would cost money, which was something neither of the sorcerers had on them at the moment. But if they went to the manor, how would they ever find time to escape? They needed to find a way to get back home, to their own timeline. Surely their presence was just further tinkering with the already broken state of the multiverse.

"We would be honoured to."

We would what? Head raising in alarm, she snapped around to look at Loki, who didn't even give her a glance, and Lord Squalor ordered for the driver to continue on to the manor. As if the decision hadn't just been made, the conversation continued as normal, leaving Wanda gaping with a hand frozen in air.

Amidst a laugh, Loki leaned forwards and placed a hand on her knee, drawing her to look at him as he inclined towards her and slyly murmured, "Stop it, you're giving yourself away," the others were too distracted in their laughter to notice the small movement as Loki swiftly moved back. To anyone who noticed it, it would have come off as a loving motion between spouses. Revolting.

"What are you doing," she mouthed to him, and instead of a smart, snippy answer that she had been expecting, he just shrugged languidly and leaned back in his chair, arms thrown behind his head as he relaxed. He was enjoying this. He, whom had been so insistent on fixing everything, was relaxing. Clenching her jaw, Wanda balled up the sides of her dress in her fists to contain her anger, before releasing it again, not wanting to tear the delicate, and rather beautiful, fabric.

As they approached the front of the manor, Mary enthusiastically pointed out flower gardens and decorations she adored, beaming a smile which lit up her whole face. She clearly admired the place, and honestly, Wanda found it breath-taking too. Oh, how much she had imagined living in a lavish manor like this as a child, dressed up like a princess, all dolled up. It was a fantasy dream, one any mature person would have shunned her for which was now painted right in front of her eyes. She couldn't help but be in awe.

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