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"What?" She startled, unintentionally stumbling back slightly as she attempted to move away. He straightened himself as he looked at her.

"Time to go," he repeated slower, as if she were a child. Her blood boiled, but she forced on her calm façade; his goal was to piss her off, and she refused to show him how much he was succeeding. Maybe it was obvious. She didn't care too much.

"Don't I have another two hours?" She asked, genuine confusion seeping into her sarcastic tone.

"Ah, my apologies, I should've been more clear. Time for us to go."

"You got kicked out?"

"Did you miss the part where I said us?"

"Aw, shame."

"Isn't it just?"

"Why did they send you?" She asked, the resentment so evident in her voice that it even surprised her. How she had stayed calm for this long she didn't know, but his presence irked her to no end and she just wanted him out of her room as soon as possible.

"Something about apologise and amends, I'm unsure, I wasn't listening."

She rolled her eyes at his childish reasoning, but it seemed to make the smirk on his face more fixed.

"Well, its truly been a pleasure, but I think its about time you get out of my room now, no?" Her tone was drenched in cheap honey, as she shone her most dazzling smile. She wouldn't admit the pride blooming in her chest as she watched his infuriating smirk falter. Hell, she wished she could just wipe it clean off his face.

"I'm not sure what part of 'us' you don't understand," he snapped, patience wearing thin. While his had thinned, hers was slim to none by now, and she was seconds away from shoving him out of the door. "Your brother will not stop pestering and-"

"Don't talk about him," she warned, voice dropping dangerously low. Tilting his head slightly, he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Why? Does it bother you," the deep tinge in his voice sounded threatening, and it was, it had a promise of danger. She clenched her jaw, she was raised to avoid danger, but it was so addictive, wasn't it? Poor little Wanda, who just couldn't get enough.

"If you know whats good for you, then you will keep his name, out of your mouth," she seethed. It seemed he just grew more amused at her frustration, a mocking smirk plastered over his lips.

"Truly, he just buzzes on and on about you, should I be shameful for growing tired of it so soon? What does he want from you, no one loves their sibling that much for nothing, especially when the sibling is you."

"Want from me? You think he does it because he wants something from me? Unlike you, some of us have good relationships with our brothers, but of course, you wouldn't understand that would you? No, you are so incapable of love that you will give up your BROTHER in a heartbeat. Sad life to live, isn't it?" Her breath halted as she concluded her rant.

Eyes darkening, he glared at her, and her heart stuttered at the possibility that maybe, maybe, she had crossed the line. Should she apologise? He would hold it over her forever if she did, but she knew she shouldn't have said-

WAR OF HEARTS ➵ scarletfrostWhere stories live. Discover now