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Suddenly, the atmosphere in the air dropped, and her face slackened, melting into a look of confusion rather than anger. Releasing a breath she had hitched, she stumbled backwards slightly, almost squealing as the shelf shook and threatened to collapse behind her.

"Shit," Loki gritted out, as he watched a leg of the shelf snap. Instinctively, his hand fumbled to the handle, the door swinging open as he fell out of it unceremoniously, hand still attached to her as she stumbled after.

As soon as she regained her footing, however, she darted forwards towards him, knocking him against the wall with a blast of energy, "What do you mean, we broke it?"

"They turned back time to undo the blip, and you turned back time to resurrect the others that they couldn't. Its splitting over too many universes, the multiverse is shattering, it was a domino affect. Us breaking out of our universe let other universes start doing it too."

Letting out a staggered breath, the witch took a shaky step back, processing everything that had been said. The momentary lapse of weakness was something she has vowed to never unveil in front of Loki, so she compiled herself immediately, her mind was filed with the organisation and priorities of a fighter, so the first question to escape her lips was inevitably;

"What do we do to fix it?"

Loki's eyebrows shot up to his hairline, scoffing, "What do we do? Its funny that you think we can do anything."

For a second, she felt the dread settle in her stomach, bile threatening to rise at her throat as it seared through her skin. Her mouth soured, "What do you mean?"

"The Multiverse is frighteningly large beyond your mortal comprehension, and if its breaking, it is utterly out of our control."

The fear striking her was almost alarming, she felt sick, the world seemed to stop spinning for a second. Inhaling slowly, she scraped her teeth over her bottom lip, jaw tensing. This wasn't it. This couldn't be game-over before they had even started, she had just got everything back. Her stomach swooped at the thought of it all shattering into shards again.

But somewhere in Wanda, she had an imbedded survival instinct to channel fear and pain into burning, blinding rage. Her body was designed to deflect from being prey, rather, it was hard-wired into maintaining control.

"So why?" She seethed through clenched teeth, "The fuck did you tell me?"

A look of something like sheepishness flashed upon his face, but it vanished so fast as to make her question whether it was even there. A blank façade returned steeled on his face, as an air of hesitancy surrounded him, "There may be.. one thing."

Jutting out a hip, she rested her arm on it, staring daggers at him as she shrugged, ushering him to continue on. Rolling his eyes at her antics, he opened his mouth as if to respond, before eliciting a sudden breath and shaking his head.

"Not here."

"Oh my- Loki, I do not having the fucking patience for this."

"Shame, isn't it? Patience is a virtue you lack," he scoffed, moving up a hand to encase her wrist and drag her away again, but she slammed it away instantly.

WAR OF HEARTS ➵ scarletfrostWhere stories live. Discover now