003: Training Rage

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"It was WHO?!" Alivia's shrill squeal echoed through the almost empty house,

"Cristiano Ronaldo! As if you did that. Isn't he, like, taken?" I rolled my eyes, Liv was worried, I just found it damn right badass.

"Yes. Irina Shayk, Russian underwear model? Hello!?" Alivia looked distraught,

"Woah! Calm down Alivia, geez. It's not like it's Harry Styles or something!" I put my hands out in front of me, in a 'stop' gesture.

"Nope, not Harry Styles. It's worse." Aubrey continued into the conversation, or should I say 'debate'.

"How is it worse?! Hardly anyone knows who he is outside of England, Spain and Portugal?!" I laughed,

"It's so much more worse, that's so wrong! He's a world-wide phenomenon, if you haven't been living in a black hole for half your life, that is." Liv 'corrected' me.

"Fine, fine, whatever. So what, if he splits with this Irina girl, Aub gets a chance with him!" I shrugged, like it was nothing. Well, it was, right?

"Totally, Ada..." Alivia rolled her eyes, her signal of saying 'no, you're wrong'.

"As if I'm going to see him again though, Ada. Think that through a minute, he's a superstar and I'm m. Plus, I wouldn't really want to be with him. He'd probably just cheat on me! I feel so bad, poor Irina." She sighed, I could tell she was upset and I suddenly felt bad for everything I'd said.

"Aw Aub, don't worry about it. She should've seen it coming, with a guy like him. She should've got with Messi instead." I sighed and put my arms around her, pulling her in for a hug. She nodded her head in agreement at my Messi statement and pulled away from the hug,

"Thanks guys, I feel much better." She smiled, letting out a sigh of relief.

"You're welcome." Me and Alivia grinned, happy to help a friend in need.


"Cris! Man, c'mon." I slapped Cristiano on the back playfully, waking him from his trance. "We play Barca next week, pay attention." He looked at me and nodded, running around the pitch once again. I shook my head, he just split with Irina, I feel for the lad.

"Sergio!" I heard my name being called, I turned towards the voice and saw Coach Mourinho. I followed the voice into his direction,

"What's up, Coach?" I asked him,

"What's going on with Cristiano today, huh?" He asked,

"He just split with Irina." I shrugged.

"Her, again?! Why?"

"I don't know, he won't say." I sighed, me and Pepe had been roasting him throughout the whole training session, so far, to find out what he/she did to trigger the break-up. He isn't one to spill today. Coach sighed. "Don't worry, Coach, he'll get over it soon." He nodded and waved me off, I flashed a smile and jogged back over to Pepe and Marcelo.

"What did he want?" Marcelo raised an eyebrow,

"Who?" I frowned,

"Coach Mou, duh." Pepe tapped his forehead as he said 'duh'.

"Oh, right," I nodded, "he wanted to know what was up with Cris today."

"Oh, he told you why yet?" Pepe asked,

"Nope, you?" Pepe and Marcelo shook their heads, I rolled my eyes and ran my hands through my hair.

"Oi! Sergio, Marcelo, Pepe! Back to training." We heard Coach's voice boom across the training ground and we all groaned, rolling our eyes and going back to train. I noticed Cris staring into space again, I clicked my fingers in front of his face to wake him, before Coach Mourinho would latch onto him. He mumbled a sorry and joined Gonzalo and Mesut.


That cow! 

"The girl who Cristiano Ronaldo, Portugese Real Madrid Midfielder, left the club with last night is now identified as Aubrey Ruiz. Ruiz will not speak to the press, the only line said was 'We were drunk!' This suggests to us that she is stating she didn't mean to go home with Ronaldo, she was under the influence of alcohol, rather heavily. Ruiz's actions have led us to believe she never wants to see Ronaldo again, as she left his house in one of Sergio Ramos's, Teammate and Real Madrid Defender, old Spain shirts given to her by Ronaldo himself. Ramos claims he does not know this girl and he never will. Irina Shayk has also rumoured to have split up with Ronaldo. Shayk apparently saw the pictures and it was the final straw for the two.

What are your views on this story?"

My views on this story is that it is the biggest load of BS I've ever heard. Why would Cristiano Ronaldo ever even look at Aubrey Ruiz twice, let alone take her home?! I'm the one he should be with, not her! I am raging. She doesn't even like him, she's a Cule! I just want to go around there and punch her face in, the skank. She was a classmate of mine, Aubrey Ruiz. She was the shallow, average cow of a teenage girl. She and her cronies ruined my life! My teenage years filled with fear, of Aubrey Ruiz. And now look at her. Sleeping around with famous footballers. Well, I want revenge, those years of my teenage life are the ones I can never get back. So I want her to pay, pay for what she gained from terrorising me, pay for what I lost, pay for everything. And I have the perfect plan, that will blow her out of the water. Cristiano Ronaldo is mine, and mine only.

A / N

Heyo! Sorry, this update is on my iPod! Hope you all enjoy anyway (: ha no time to proof-read it so, sorry if it's bad! I love you all so much!

Comment, fan and don't forget to VOTE! Love you all, my hermosa Madridistas <3


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