007: Cristiano Who?!

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I was pacing the room, my stomach was in knots and I couldn't keep still, I'd cried a river and I still couldn't feel any better. This wasn't good. At all. My heart is in a million pieces and I can't speak, all I can feel is pain and love all in one jumbled mess and I can't stand it. I need to see if she's OK. I need to know, I need to see her. They've been in there for hours, so long the negative thoughts are creeping in and I've scarred my brain whilst looking for a single positive thought to cheer me up, none there. Used them all up.

"Cris, please just sit down you're making me dizzy, for God's sake." Sergio sighed, running his hands through his hair. I sighed and sat in my seat, woah, I hadn't even realised how tired my legs were! I sat there in silence for a few minutes longer. I saw Arianna stand up and put a blanket over me, I mumbled a 'thanks' and snuggled up, I eventually felt myself drift off into sleep land. 


What. The. Hell?! I woke up in an unknown place.

"Hello, Aubrey?" A women said to me, "You are in the Hospital." She informed me of what happened, 

"Wait, who's Avery? And Cristiano? You lost me." I frowned, completely confused. The nurse's eyes widened and she rushed off, without another word. A few minutes later, a Doctor arrived. 

"Come on, we'll try and get you to somewhere comfier." He stood me up, I stretched my legs, my arms and shoulder were all casted up and I had a sling. Apparently, this Avery girl shot me in the shoulder. What did I ever do to her and this Cristiano guy? The Doctor led me to a small room, with sofas with fluffy pillows on. I took a seat, as the Doctor directed me too. 

"Aubrey, you need to tell me what you remember in your life." 

"Okay... Well, my best-friends are Alivia and Ada? I remember something called Barcelona, which means I'm a Cule... Oh no, wait! F.C Barcelona!! My football team. I think I remember going to a training and meeting Lionel Messi, oh oh oh! Andddd, Cesc Fabregas got punched and couldn't play the game against... I can't remember." I shook my head, giving up. 

"I'm sorry, Aubrey. But you're suffering from memory-loss." 

"M-memory loss?" The tears welled up in my eyes, the Doctor nodded. 

"I'll go call your friends in." He told me, I nodded and he went out the room, the tears never came. Memory loss. Memory loss! So I don't remember my family, friends, boyfriend, hobbies, anything...

"Aubrey..." I looked up and saw Alivia, Ada and a stream of un-familiar faces, they all took seats. I shared gentle hugs with Ada and Liv, so as not to hurt my shoulder. 

"W-wait, you're Lionel Messi. Oh my God, and you're Cesc Fabregas, can I die now?" My eyes widened, the fangirl fire in my heart set alight. They all laughed at me, "Guys, I'm so confused. All I remember is Ada, Liv, Barca, and Fabregas and Messi getting beaten up at training. And the Doctor said t-that this 'Avery' girl shot me because of some 'Cristiano' guy, when I haven't done anything to either of them. Enlighten me." 

"Oh Aub, Cristiano, what are we going to do?" Ada sighed, holding her head in her hands. 

"I'm sorry, if I hurt anyone. I can't remember anything, I think I fell on my head or something, I just don't know what's going on. Who is this Cristiano guy, I want to know." 

"Me, I'm Cristiano." He stepped forward, a pain shot through my head. 

"I-I. I think I know you, you look familiar. I'm just-" I was cut off by tears filling my eyes, "I'm so sorry, if I meant any more than a friend to anyone, I'm just so sorry." Seconds after I finished my sentence, I was engulfed in Cristiano's arms. 'Was it him?' I mouthed to the others, all I got back was nods from them all. I held him back and sobbed into his chest. "I'm sorry..."  

~The Next Day~ 


"Aubrey, for the one millionth time! You are friends with Cesc Fabregas, Lionel Messi and Sergio Ramos, and yes, I am Cesc's girlfriend." I sighed, 

"Okay, sorry. This is so much too take in!" She sighed, she was thinking over everything I'd just told her about her life very intently. I feel sorry for her, having to learn her own life all over again...

A / N 

Sorry it's so short! Kinda filler that the Doctors saved her and stuff!



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