010: F.C Aubrey Ruiz

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who is freaking reading this.<3

I'm guessing I looked nervous as hell as we approached the team, they all had massive grins on their face when they saw me. I looked up at Cristiano for a brief second, he grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. I smiled up at him and wouldn't let him let go of my hand, I saw him smile to himself at this. When we reached the players, I was introduced to them by Cris as 'Aubrey'. I knew most of the players, I just had to double-check with Marcelo Vieira and Jose Callejon. I was still confused as to what was going on, Jose announced we would be split into two teams and play a match. 

"Excuse me, but the last time I played football was when I was 15, and they chucked me out of the school-team because their goalkeeper looked like our goalkeeper, some striker I was..." I rolled my eyes, actually remembering that day. It was the worst, I got laughed at for days after. My comment caused them all to laugh,

"Well, hopefully Iker doesn't look like anyone else." Jose chuckled, 

"I hope not..." I muttered, Jose ordered us to put ourselves into two teams, which we did easily enough. Apart from Cristiano purposely put himself in the opposite team. "Hola." I grinned at Kaka awkwardly, he just laughed and we all prepared for kick-off. "Dude, where the jodar do I go?!" I mumbled to myself, leaving anyone close to me laughing, including Cristiano and Karim. "I'm going to be a defender, they don't do anything anyway." I announced, strutting to the position, this caused all the defenders to raise their eyebrows, the game kicked off. I just stood there, trying to remember how to play. I used to be so good in High School, lost the skills since then, I guess. 

"Aubrey!!" I heard someone call my name and my head shot up, and before I could even register where I was, Cristiano came hurtling past me and left the ball soaring into the back of the net. 

"Oh." I frowned, looking around the disappointed faces coming my way, 

"Yeah 'oh'. Good effort, though." Cristiano winked, 

"Shut-up, I was trying to remember how to play, I used to be a class striker!!" I grinned,

"Prove it." He smirked, he must know I can't resist a challenge, I smiled evilly and stomped over to the striker position, "Vete a la mierda, Ronaldo. Go back to Brazil or wherever you're from." This caused, yet again, everyone to burst out laughing. 

"I'm actually from Portugal!" He called back, I could hear the snicker in his voice. 

"Whatever." I put my hand up to him, carrying on walking to the striker position. "Hey! Now we need another defender." 

"No, only 11 players nena, someone needs to move up." Mesut nudged me, smirking, 

"Fine! You go over there." I shrugged, 

"No, I can't play there." He frowned, rolling his eyes. 

"Dude! Do you really think I can play at all?! Get yow stinky ass over there!" I pointed towards the other side of the field, his eyebrows raised at me. He sighed, rolling his eyes and walked over there. I smiled, a few minutes later my smile disappeared. "Joooodar!" I exclaimed as the ball came hurtling towards me, 

"Shoot!!" I heard shouts from the other members of my team, I frowned, I stuck my foot out and whooped it's ass towards Diego Lopez. "HA! I SCORED." 

"No, you didn't. Diego saved it!" Jose Mourinho corrected from the side lines, 

"Oh... I ALMOST SCORED." I announced, 

"Almost?" Cristiano snorted. 

"Oh, it is on, puta, it is on..." I muttered, preparing myself. "Hey wait!" I stopped the kick-off, "I WANNA NAME MY TEAM." 

"You're already called RMA 2?" Sergio shrugged, 

"No, I want to be called 'F.C Aubrey Ruiz'. So it sounds like F.C Barcelona, but better!" I smiled widely at all the amused faces, "But these players aren't as good, obviously." I added, winking. 

"Fine." Cristiano rolled his eyes, "Let's just watch me beat you, for Christ's sake." 

"Hey, I may have lost my memory, but that doesn't make me forget how cocky you are, bring it, puta." I laughed, running my hand through my loose hair and pulling it back into a pony. They kicked off once again, I literally just stood there, I hated running. "Are you all dodging me on purpose?! I wanna maldito win!" I called out, after around a 5 minute play. 

"No, maybe you should run towards us, we can't just pass it into open air and expect you to reach it, they'll intercept it and mostly surprise us and have a chance at goal." Mesut rolled his eyes, 

"Say what?" I raised an eyebrow,

"Just run towards the ball and you'll get it!" Mesut snapped, I was well and truly annoying him now. 

"Calm it..." I muttered, before doing what he said and running into open space.  


"You weren't that bad..." Cristiano rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, 

"Aw whatever Cris, admit it, I was crap." I rolled my eyes, laughing. 

"Fine, you told me to, that was admittedly the worst football I've seen in a while." He chuckled, 

"I knew it." I giggled a little, punching his shoulder playfully, he just rolled his eyes and linked arms with me. 

"So, any other spurts of memories yet?" Cris looked hopefully at me, 

"If I did, I would've told you. You know that, I just know that I suffered some kind of heart-break with a guy, that's all." I shrugged, 

"You did, it's how you met me. You're better asking Ada and Alivia about that, some shit happened that night..." He bit his lip, I shrugged it off and agreed to ask Ada or Liv some time later when I see them next. We walked towards his car in silence for a couple of minutes, he had to park quite a while away, as it was packed full of staff, players and members of the club in some way, shape or form. 

"I really wanna go on Holiday, somewhere like... Hawaii." I grinned at my suggestion, 

"Sure. Two weeks until start of this season. We can drag Serg, Cesc, Ada and Alivia along with us." He shrugged, 

"Seriously?! When can we leave?!" My face brightened yes!!

"Two days, get yourself sorted. You tell Ada and Alivia, I'll tell Sergio and Cesc." He flashed a smile at me, seriously he'd do anything to make me smile. But, why? That was the big question. Until I remembered...

A / N 

Yayayay! Hawaii ;)) A lot is gonna go down there, that's for sure! Hope you enjoy, I enjoyed writing this one though :-) Song kinda doesn't relate to the chapter, but it kinda shows that they'll be safe & sound now that they have each-other and friends, bit random but... yeah! 

I have a confession. I'm in freaking love with Liverpool FC, someone shoot me because I'm in love with Jordan Henderson + Daniel Agger. Oh, + Martin Kelly, never forget Martin Kelly. 


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