11. ┊ in the midst of all that is dark

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You awoke in an pitch black room, with the only thing illuminating the dark was a small candle placed by your feet

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You awoke in an pitch black room, with the only thing illuminating the dark was a small candle placed by your feet.

You instinctively moved your arms, only to find them bound together by tight chains. You took a look at your ankles, which were also being binded with a long chain just like your wrists. Around your mouth, a thick cloth was tied around your head to silence you.

Panic was finally beginning to erupt within you. You had no idea where you were, what happened, and why you were here. Were you abducted? Wasn't that a direct act of defiance against the Tsaritsa?

Shit, shit, shit, you didn't know what to do.

You struggled in vain, completely helpless and vulnerable.

Just then, you saw as the door in front of you flung open. The light from the other side flooded into the dark room, blinding you as you tried to adjust to the brightness.

"The child is awake." The person spoke, signaling a prestigious old man to walk in.

The man appeared in the doorway, the light surrounding his figure as his shadow was cast on the ground below.

"Relight the lanterns. It's time we get the information we aimed for." The man demanded in a strict tone. The individual nodded, tracing along the wall with a match. One by one, the lanterns lit up.

You were finally able to see the man clearly. He seemed to be in his 50's, yet he wreaked of wealth. Gold trinkets were layered around his neck, and his clothes looked to be made of expensive materials. By the way his clothes were styled, you could assume he was Sneznhayan.

This old man was a complete stranger. He had no relation to any of the characters in the game, and you could already point out that he wasn't a Fatui Harbinger or affiliated with the Fatui. So, what did he want with you?

The person who lit up the lanterns left the room and shut the door behind them, as if to keep information from coming out.

The man stopped in front of your small body that sat on the floor. He gave a look of disgust, as if he was asking himself why such a pitiful child was involved with the matters of the Fatui. Why were you such an important part of their plans?

The man removed the cloth around your mouth, "Tell me, what is your name?" He interrogated, his voice strong yet harsh.

You didn't respond. You were afraid.

Afraid of too many things.

What would happen if you told him your name? What would happen to the Fatui? What would happen to you? What would happen to Scaramouche? Would you mess up their plans if you told that old man? Why did you care so much anyways? Both of these situations were losses for you.

Perhaps the reason you were so afraid, was the fact that you didn't want to make the wrong decision.

You stared at the old man with fear inflicted in your eyes, unable to find the courage to even speak.

✧.*┊ a harbinger's pupil. // various!genshin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now