23. ┊ red dead of night

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In your dream, there was a child whose tears had run dry

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In your dream, there was a child whose tears had run dry.

A child who longed to feel the comfort of a home. To be loved, supported, appreciated.

A mere child who wished for things that were forever out of reach.

"This is all your fault!" Your mother screamed at you. She yanked onto your shirt, dragging you back to her.

"If you were never born, your father wouldn't be sleeping around with different women every night!" She yelled, slapping you hard.

It hurt. It hurt, so much. But you deserved this, right? Everything was your fault, wasn't it?

Your body was thrown down onto the floor, and your already frail body was met with hard kicks.

"You were a mistake!" Your mother shouted, "You're just a reminder of everything I can't be or do!"

Your body grew bruises, and it felt as though your bones were crumbling apart. But your tears refused to spill, they couldn't spill at all. You were only an empty husk, a husk devoid of any emotion. You existed now, only as a doll that lived to endure abuse.

"You can't even talk back." Your mother kicked your stomach, causing blood to spurt out of your mouth. "Any normal child would cry, but not you. You're just a fucking piece of my body that's alive."

"Looking at you disgusts me, you should've never been born."

Could you even call yourself a human? When the people in your life that were supposed to care for you, neglected and abused you like some animal?

In the next moment, you were back in that cramped and dark closet.

Completely alone, left to die in that engulfing darkness. No one was coming to help you, no one was coming to save you. There was no one, and there would always be no one.

You resented everything and everyone, but the person you resented the most was yourself.

You were better off dead.

"Y/N." A voice spoke from the darkness.

You slightly flinched at the sound of your name being called. Your eyes shot from side to side, trying to locate where the voice had come from.

Before you could reach out, the dream began to disappear.

"It's time to wake up, doll."

The crippling dark sight of that closet slowly faded away, leaving you in an empty white void. But, unlike the restrains of that small closet, this white void was wide yet comfortable. It felt almost nice, in a way that calmed you down.

The brightness of the void grew, eventually enveloping your vision entirely. It wasn't a blinding light, but as if there was a soft light that was guiding you. The same feeling as when you were enclosed in a gentle hug.

✧.*┊ a harbinger's pupil. // various!genshin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now