The broken heart club.

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Will was surprised when he woke up to Boris cuddling him. He didn't mind at all.

The turned of his alarm and rubbed his eyes.

“Hey Boris it's time to get up for school” Boris groaned “Nooooo” Will smiled.

Joyce opened the door “It's time to get up hon- oh hello Boris!” Boris raised his head up to look at her.

“Hello Mrs Byers” Joyce smiled “Get ready for school I've got to go to work bye!”

Will got up to get ready and Boris followed. Will went into his closet and got changed then fixed his hair.

“I'm thinking of getting a haircut” Boris walked over to him “I think you'd look pretty no matter what”

Will blushed “Thanks, I think your pretty too” Boris smiled.

“You stay here I'm going to ask Jon for some clothes that might fit you” Boris nodded and will disappeared.

He came back with some clothes and gave them to Boris. Boris went into Wills closet and changed.

Boris finished them they went downstairs for breakfast. Will made some toast then El came down.

“Hello Jane!” El smiled “Oh hey Boris!” Will Boris and El ate breakfast then Jonathan came down.

They all went to Argyle's car “What's up brochachos!” Boris sat down next to Will and they drove to school.

They went to class as usual and passed notes. At second period the teacher assigned a project.

“Choose a hero in history and make a presentation, don't forget a visual aspect. It'll be due on Friday”

Another project ugh, Will thought. Boris passed him a note. “Wanna come over to my place after school?

Will wrote then gave him the note “Sure(・∀・) meet me by the entrance after school!”

Boris read the note and smiled, Will smiled too.

They talked more at lunch and Will told El to tell Joyce about him going to Boris's, then in they met after school. Boris and will walked to his house.

When they got to the very isolated neighborhood Boris lived in. Will didn't question it.

They went in and Will saw how empty the house was “Do you want anything to drink? We have beer and vodka”

Will shook his head “No I'm good I don't drink” Boris showed Will his room.

“Why don't you drink?” Will never wanted to drink and be like Lonnie. “Don't want to be like my dad”

Boris nodded “I get it. Do you smoke?” Will shook his head “Haven't tried it”

Boris tilted his head “Wanna try?” Will nodded why the hell not be thought.

Boris lit a cigarette and gave it to Will. Will grabbed it and took a hit. Will exhaled then gave it to Boris.

“Wow, you took that well” Will shrugged “Everyone in my family expect Jane smokes”

Will frowned “I grew up with it” Boris grabbed Wills hand “Well you don't have to if you don't want to солодкий хлопець

Will smiled then held Boris's hand “I know” Boris got up and he and will moved onto his bed.

“Do you wanna try marijuana?” Will knows Jonathan smokes at least a form of it.

“Sure my older brother does it” Boris gets up and gets something from his dresser.

He came back and gave Will a rolled up piece of marijuana “You sure about this?”

Will smiled and nodded “Gotta try everything once right?” Boris lit it and Will took a hit.

Will coughed and Boris laughed “Jesus Christ”

Boris and Will took turns smoking until Will didn't want anymore then Boris put it out.

Will was feeling free “Wanna hear a secret?” Will was laying next to Boris “Sure”

Will smiled “I'm in love with my sisters boyfriend. I've been since before he met her”

Boris frowned “Wanna hear a secret from me?” Will nods “I fell in love with my best friend and even kissed him then he left”

Will smiled “We should like start a club called the broken heart club” Boris smiled.

“We'd both fit the criteria to join” Will laughed then started crying “Are you okay sweet boy?"

Boris looked at Will “Wanna hear another secret?” Boris was worried but nodded.

“I went missing for a week back in 83, and sometimes I wish I was never found”

Boris kissed Wills hand “What's even more pathetic is I haven't had my first kiss yet”

Boris hugged Will “It's not like anyone would want to kiss me” Boris frowned at Will.

“I'd kiss you sweet boy” Will looked at Boris with teary eyes “Really?” Boris nodded.

“I'd kiss you anytime you want” Will smiled Can I take you up on that offer?”

Boris smiled and nodded then kissed Will. Will happily kissed back. They kept kissing for awhile, breathing in-between kisses.

Will pulled away first “Is everything okay sweet boy?” Will nodded “Just need a second to process”

Boris nodded and gave Will some space. Will was smiling so hard. He took a deep breath.

Will turned to Boris “Sorry I'm just really happy” Boris smiled “No need to be sorry”

Will was still smiling. Will kissed Boris and Boris kissed back. Will pulled away smiling.

“Are you tired?” Will nodded. Boris pulled Will down and put an arm around him. He also put a blanket on them.

“Goodnight sweet boy” Will yawned “Goodnight” then they fell asleep.

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