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Will woke up with Boris's arms wrapped around him.

He looked at his alarm clock and saw it was 7:13. He started to softly shake Boris.

“Babe wake up it's 7” Boris groaned “Five more minutes” Will smiled “Alright, I'll grab you some clothes”

Boris smiled “Thank you, love you” Will untangled himself from Boris “Love you too”

He went into his closet and got him and Boris some clothes. He put Boris's into a pile and changed.

He put the pile on the bed. “Boris it's time to get up” Boris rubbed his face. “Only if you kiss me”

Will rolled his eyes and gave Boris a kiss. “Now get dressed” Boris sat up and began to take his shirt off.

“Not in here stupid, the closet” Boris nodded then got up and went to change in the closet.

He came out and they went downstairs for breakfast.

Joyce had just gotten home and El was upstairs getting ready for school. Jonathan came downstairs too.

Will and Boris took a set next to eachother and Jonathan eyed them smiley.

“What's that about?” Boris whispered to Will. Will turned to Boris.

“He has his theories” Boris nodded in understanding. “He's probably right”

Will smiled. Joyce had gotten breakfast on the way home. Boris and Will got food and began to eat.

Once they finished they waited for Argyle to show up. It wasn't a long wait.

El and Will grabbed their school projects then got in the van. Boris, again, sat next to Will.

Jonathan knew something definitely happened last night. Boris and Will were talking the entire ride.

School was pretty much not different except for history class. Angela was doing her usual bitchy bullshit.

At the end of class El looked like she was going to burst out in tears.

Will kept trying to tell her it wasn't that bad but she wouldn't listen.

When Angela started her shit in the courtyard Infront of everyone Boris wasn't taking it.

Angela's henchman destroyed Els project and Boris ran over to help pick stuff up.

“Aw who is this, your little boyfriend?” Boris rolled his eyes “No way I wouldn't cheat on your mom”

Angela scoffed “Can't you just fuck off?” Angela rolled her eyes and a teacher was quickly approaching.

“Bye bye freak” Angela walked off “Are you okay Jane?” El nodded “Yes, thank you Boris”

Boris nodded. Will ran over to El and Boris. He helped them pick up the pieces of the project.

They picked up their projects and headed to Argyles van. “You're coming with us”

Boris nodded “No objects here” Will smiled. Argyle showed up and they drove home.

El immediately ran upstairs with her project in her hands.

Joyce welcomed Boris with a smile and told them when dinner would be ready.

Boris thanked her and they headed to Wills room. Will put all his school stuff away.

“I'm so excited about summer break” Boris jumped on Wills bed. “Same, no more waking up early for awhile”

Will smiled “That's the past your more excited, not spending more time with me?”

Will tried to sound offended but it wasn't working all that well.

“And of course getting to spend more time with my amazing boyfriend”

Will smiled “I guess I'm excited to hang out with you too” Boris gasped and Will laughed.

“My mom has work tonight and Jonathan is probably going to get really high, so wanna take a trip to the roof later?”

Boris smiled “Sounds lovely” Will smiled.

They hung out until dinner was ready then headed downstairs and ate dinner.

Joyce went to work and Will and Boris went back upstairs.

They waited until an appropriate time for Jonathan to be high as balls then claimed onto the roof.

The sun was setting and they just smoked and appreciated it for awhile.

Will laid his head in Boris's lap. Boris played with Wills hair. “Do you prefer my old hair or my new hair?"

Boris tilted his head “Honestly? I like playing with your new hair more and it frames your beautiful face”

Will smiled “Why thank you handsome” Boris smiled “You're welcome солодкий хлопець

Will gave Boris a kiss. Boris kissed Will again. They started to have a little Make out session.

They were stopped by the sound of Jonathan calling for Will downstairs. They climbed back into Wills room.

Will opened the door “Yes?” Will had slight annoyance to his tone. “I'm sorry was I interrupting your make out session?”

Will punched Jonathan's arm “Yes!” Jonathan smiled “I see I was right” Will laughed.

“What'd you need?” Jonathan got back on topic. “Mom called, she wants to make sure we get to bed on time because we have to pick them up early”

Will nodded. “Alright we'll head to bed k?” Jonathan nodded. “Night” Will smiled “Night”

Will moved over to his bed. “Wanna make out then cuddle?” Will smiled. “I'll take you up on the second offer”

Boris frowned “Alright, come here pretty boy” Will and Boris got comfortable in the bed.

Boris wrapped himself around Will just as he had done the previous night.

Will was alright with it. In fact he liked it.

Will got comfy and started to fall asleep. Boris gave him a kiss on the head and feel asleep himself.

Will was happy and scared of what tomorrow would bring, but he focused on the amazing boyfriend Infront of him.

Will smiled at Boris and felt safe then finally gave into his tiredness.

P.s. I watched episode 1 again to make sure I had the timeline in the right order, you guys should thank me, I had to listen to Angela's stupid bitch ass for y'all. Hope you enjoyed though😗.

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