What the actual fuck?!

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Will woke up to what he would describe as the most beautiful sight ever.

Which I'm reality was just Boris cuddling him with his hair in his face, but Will didn't care.

He looked at his alarm clock and realized it was 10am. He should call Jonathan.

He woke Boris up. “Morning” Boris kissed Wills forehead “Morning” They got out of bed.

Will told Boris to pack so clothes so he won't have to borrow Jonathan's the went to call Jonathan.

The night before Jonathan just said to call when they wanted to come home. Will appreciated it so much.

Jonathan came and picked them up. As soon as they were home they booked it upstairs.

Jonathan brought them some breakfast and Will said thank you. Will wanted to avoid Mike.

Boris laid down on Wills bed and Will laid on top of him drawing with the new sketch pad Boris and Max got him.

Will laid his head down on Boris's shoulder then immediately sat back up.

“Babe no offense but you stink” Boris gasped “You don't smell the best either”

Will shrugged “Alright well you go shower then I'll shower” Boris smiled “I won't pass up seeing you shirtless”

Will elbowed him softly “Shut up and go shower!” Boris smiled then got up and went to shower.

It only occured to Boris once he was in the shower that he had forgotten clothes.

When he was done he wrapped a towel around his waist and thought good enough.

He was leaving to go back to Wills room when he saw Mike starring at him surprised.

He smiled and went into Wills room. Will almost died at the sight of his boyfriend naked even if he couldn't see anything.

“I forgot to grab my clothes” Will quickly got some clothes and rushed out of the room.

Mike was still in the hall mouth agape. Will went right past him not giving it a second thought.

He quickly showered then got dressed. He realized in his panic he hadn't grabbed a shirt.

He looked in the hall to make sure that Mike was gone then escaped back to his room.

Boris was laying Wills bed. “ooo is this a treat?” Will got flustered and Boris laughed.

“Just for that I'm stealing one of your shirts” Boris raced Will to where Boris had his bag.

He got there just as Will had grabbed a shirt. Boris grabbed the shirt from Wills hand and held it above his head.

Since Boris was taller then Will, Will couldn't get it. He eventually resorted to trying to push him over.

He succeeded in pushing Boris over but Boris fell onto him. Boris took the chance and kissed Will.

Will put his hands on Boris's neck and kissed back. They stopped when they heard the door open.

They looked over to see Mike in the doorway. “What the actual fuck?!” Will got up and closed and locked his door.

“Ever heard of knocking!” Will rolled his eyes then went back to kissing Boris who was now standing up.

Will was kissing Boris the same way he was before but now Boris had his hands on his hips.

They only had a few minutes of peace and making until they heard a knock on the door.

Will put a shirt on then answered it. Jonathan was on the other side with Mike by his side.

Will took a deep breath. Jonathan called them down to the living room.

Will and Boris sat on one couch and Jonathan and Mike sat on the other. It looked like an intervention.

“I know you probably know the tall I'm about to give you but. If you do have sex, keep it down, be safe, and lock your door”

Will shifted uncomfortably in his seat “Oh my god we weren't going to. Mike walked in at a bad time”

Mike stood up “You really expect me to believe that?! You're 15 you shouldn't be having sex!”

Boris glared at Mike “16. He's 16, the age most kids have sex at” Mike was flabbergasted.

He just sat back down. “Thank you for this lovely talk I'll take your advice goodby”

Will and Boris raced upstairs to Wills room. Will locked the door behind him.

“Well that was fun” Boris laughed “Yep” Boris walked over to Will “Can we continue”

Will kissed Boris “Of course” They kept kissing until it was full on make-out.

Boris stopped Will. “Are you actually ready for this? Sex?” Will bit his cheek.

“To be honest? No, not really. Are you?” Boris smiled “No” Will smiled “So I guess that settles it”

Boris kissed Will again “But kissing like this is fine” Boris nodded with a smile.

Will kissed Boris again and Boris kissed back until they were making out again.

They were to busy kissing eachother that they didn't realize that Boris was almost hanging off the bed.

They didn't realize it until Boris fell off the bed with a loud thud. Will burst out laughing.

Boris quickly got up to his feet and back on the bed. Boris was rubbing his head.

Will fake frowned and kissed it better “Poor baby” Boris glared at him and Will started laughing again.

They heard a knock on the door so Will went to open it. Jonathan was looking at the two carefully.

“Are you guys alright I heard a loud thud?” Will smiled “Yeah Boris just accidentally fell off the bed”

Jonathan nodded “Alright just be careful” Jonathan left and Will closed and locked the door behind him. He turned the lights off as well.

Will turned to Boris still smiling and almost laughing then laid down on top of Boris.

“I'm sorry. Does it hurt?” Boris smiled “My head a little bit” Will kissed Boris's forehead.

“There does it hurt now?” Boris smiled “Way more manageable” Will smiled and kissed Boris's cheek.

Will laid his head on Boris's chest and started to fall asleep. Boris put his arms around Will and rubbed his back.

That night Will tossed and turned. He hade been having nightmares. He thought he was done with them but he apparently wasn't.

Each time Will woke up or tossed and turned, Boris was there to comfort him.

It made it so they both got at least a little bit of sleep.

Will apologized so much each time he woke Boris up but Boris didn't mind comforting him.

Will finally got to sleep without nightmares interrupting his and Boris's sleep.

This marks the end of day 3 with Mike in the house. What'd you guys think so far?

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