New friend in a new place.

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Will Byers had been in Lerona for a few months and hadn't made any new friends.

Even with moving away from being zombie boy, he still had troubles making friends. He was very socially awkward.

Today would be no different in Wills mind. The same old same old day after day.

But little did he know today was different.

Will went to his first class as per usual. But what was different about today, was a new student.

Will turned his attention to the teacher as a boy walked in. “Class this is Boris Pavilkovsky”

Will couldn't see the boys face “Boris you can sit next to....Will Byers” Boris made his way to the seat behind Will.

Will looked behind him to look at Boris. And it surprised him when Boris looked exactly like Mike.

He was obviously starring for too long because Boris looked back at him. Will immediately turned his head back to the teacher.

Yet not before he saw Boris smirk at catching him looking.

A few minutes later Will felt a paper hit is head. He assumed it was someone trying to bully him.

He looked around to see if anyone was looking at him. The only person who was paying attention to Will was Boris.

Boris was looking at him and the paper. Will connected the dots, Boris was the one who threw it.

He grabbed the paper of the the ground and read it.

"Hello" Will got the sense that Boris wanted him to write back. Will saw no harm it in, they where in the back of the class.

"Hi?" He threw the paper back at Boris then went back to his work. A few seconds later he felt a paper hit his back.

He grabbed the paper off the ground and read it.

"What is your name?" He wrote back "Will Byers, as the teacher said" he threw the paper at Boris.

He went back to focusing on his work. The paper hit his back again. He picked it up and read it.

"Will is short for William, yes?" What an odd question he thought. "Yeah" He threw the paper back.

He went back to work yet again. The paper hit his back again and he looked at the clock.

Only 5 minutes left of class. He picked up the paper one last time. "Can I call you William?"

He quickly wrote a response "Sure, class is almost over so we don't have to pass notes"

He threw the paper back the finished up his school work. A few minutes later the bell rang.

He packed up his stuff then went to his locker. At his locker Boris walked up to him.

“Hello William!” Will was a tad bit thrown of by Boris's accent “Hi” Boris smiled at Will.

“Do you know the way to history?” Will also had history for next class “Yeah, I actually have that class too so just follow me”

Boris nodded and Will led him to where history class was. They walked in just as the bell rang.

“Oh you must be Boris. Since you already seem to know Will, you two can partner on this project”

Will nodded and led Boris to his desk. He knew El also had this class and looked around for her.

He saw her sitting across from Angela, they must be partners. “Do you want to half it?”

Will snapped his attention back to Boris “Project, do you want to half it?”

Will thought about it “Yeah that would be easiest” Boris nodded. Will started working, still occasionally looking at El and Angela.

“You look at her a lot. Do you like her?” Will shook his head “No, she's my sister”

Boris nodded in acknowledgement “Ah I see, my bad” Will smiled. It was rare to see people apologize.

Will looked at the clock and realized they only had 10 minutes left of class. “We're nowhere near done. Do you want to finish this at one of our houses.

Boris shook his head “I can't tonight William, but-” he wrote on a piece of paper then gave it to will “Call me tomorrow, I shouldn't be busy then”

Will nodded and surprisingly blushed. It was probably the thought of a hot guy giving him his number.

Boris smirked then the bell rung. Boris disappeared into the halls and Will continued his day normally.

During lunch he and El sat together. Usually they barely spoke, but today El had something to talk about.

“Who were you talking to in history?” Will put down his sandwich to look at her.

“Oh that's Boris, I guess we're friends” El smiled “That's good” Will nodded.

The dinner at his house went as per usual. El talked about her day and they ate.

“Oh and Will has this new friend named Boris!” Joyce smiled “That's wonderful!”

Will nodded “Will tell me more about Boris” Will somehow got pulled into a conversation.

“Um..we met today..we have a project together” Joyce was very happy he had a new friend.

“Well I'd love to meet him” Will played with the food on his plate. “We have that project, so you might tomorrow”

Jonathan was not at all paying attention to the conversation “lovely” Will fake smiled.

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