I'm sorry.

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The next morning everyone got up early to wish Murray and Joyce goodbye.

Jonathan was in charge of cooking breakfast and thankfully he was good at it.

They quickly ate breakfast then dispersed to hang out with eachother. Jonathan went to watch TV in the living room.

Will pulled Boris up to his room, El dragged Max to her room and Mike watched TV with Jonathan.

Will and Boris played on Wills bed. They played some would you rather buy it got boring fast.

"Let's get the others and play truth or dare!" Boris had no better ideas "Alright"

They collected everybody then went into Wills room to start playing the game.

They did a few rounds but had to stop for lunch but after they went right back to playing.

They did a few stupid dares and truths until it was Wills turn. "Truth or dare?"

Max sounded like she was planning something evil. "Dare" Max smiled deviously.

"You have to spend 15 minutes in Jane's room with Boris" Will smiled "Is that all you got?"

Will stood up and grabbed Boris's hand and pulled him into Els room and locked the door behind them.

Will and Boris sat on Els bed. "Try not to leave anything to visible?" Boris smiled.

"I'll try" Boris began to kiss Wills lips and neck. Will was blushing and smiling.

Will was playing with Boris's hair. Will was wearing a button up shirt and Boris had undone a button.

The 15 minutes was up quickly and Boris gave Will one last kiss before they returned to the others.

Max and El were looking at Wills neck and Boris's hair suspiciously. Will went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

There was hickey on Wills collarbone. "God dammit" Will rolled his eyes and made it so the hickey wasn't visible.

Will sat back down next to Boris "You're such an ass" Boris chuckled and everyone turned their attention to the pair.

"I told you no where visible!" Mike's eyes widened. "I'm sorry, got blinded by your beauty"

Will smiled "apology accepted" Max fake gagged "Enough with the lovey dovey stuff"

Will laughed "Alright shows over go continue this game in Jane's room!" They stood up to leave.

"Have fun making out!" Will slammed the door on Max's back. "We will!" Will locked the door.

Will sighed then walked over to where Boris was standing and wrapped his arms around his neck.

Boris wrapped his arms around Wills waist. "Did I really make you mad?" Will smiled.

"No I just wish they had found out in a better way then this" Will put his head on Boris's chest.

"I'm sorry" Will kissed Boris "It's fine, I'm not mad" Boris kissed Wills forehead.

"Alright sweet boy" Will smiled. "Can we just lay down and cuddle until dinner?"

Boris smiled "Of course" They laid down and Will had his head on Boris's chest while Boris rubbed Wills back.

They stayed there until Jonathan came by to tell them that dinner was ready.

They quickly ate dinner then went back to Wills room. They waited for it to get dark before climbing onto the roof.

They smoked and pointed out stars. Will was cuddling Boris and they were relaxing.

"What the hell?" The pair looked over to see Mike who was also climbing onto the roof.

Will quickly put his cigarette out. "Oh hi" Mike looked disappointed and Max also climbed upto the roof.

"What's up Mike?" Max looked at the pair "They were smoking" Max shrugged.

"And?" Mike scoffed "And it's bad for them!" Max rolled her eyes "Whatever dude"

Max laughed "You do realize that your dm in hellfire sells weed right?" Mike had nothing to say.

"Wait dm? As in DND?" Max nodded "You promised you wouldn't join another party!"

Mike knew he had fucked up "I know but in my defense Dustin joined too!"

Will scoffed "Yeah but they didn't really make that promise did they!" Will was tearing up.

"I know I'm sorry!" Will grabbed Boris's hand "You know what! Fuck you Mike!"

Will and Boris climbed back into Wills room leaving Mike speechless and Max surprised.

"Way to go Mike, you've nearly been here 2 days and you already pissed Will off"

Max went back into Els room through the window. Mike followed a few minutes later.

Will flopped down on his bed and Boris quickly went to console his boyfriend.

"Wanna fill me in so I can be mad at Mike with you?" Will smiled through his tears.

"Back when I lived in Hawkins before everything happened, I loved playing DND. After everything happened it was the only resemblance of a childhood I had left"

Boris signaled for him to go on. "The summer before I left all of my friends including Mike were all focused on their girlfriends so we never played. Eventually he lashed out and basically called it childish"

"He also said and I quote during a fight "it's not my fault you don't like girls" Boris felt bad "What an ass"

Will chuckled "We kinda made up and before I left we made an agreement not to join a new party"

Boris frowned "And hellfire is new party" Will nodded "I'm sorry baby what could I do to help?"

Will smiled "Can we go to your place and watch TV and cuddle?" Boris smiled "Of course"

They went downstairs and asked Jonathan to drive them to Boris's house.

Jonathan was hesitant but seeing how sad Will look and how it definitely wasn't Boris's fault, he said yes.

When they got to Boris's place they went upstairs to Boris's room and watched TV while cuddling.

Will was so thankful that Boris was there for him. Being with Boris made him forget about Mike. It made him forget about everything but Boris.

Will felt like he was in heaven and he never wanted to leave it. Boris felt the same way.

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