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Five years before the event of the film.

A faint hissing sound was heard as a circle-shaped hole appeared in a door with a hooded figure blew their hand "ladies first," they bowed "why, thank you, dear," the lady said mockingly as the duo walked in, the one who blew their hand jumped up. It flapped over towards a crown covered in jewels protected by a glass case and lasers. In contrast, the lady crawled under the lazers.

As they both came to the crown, the winged one placed a hand on the glass as it started to melt "nice work Emerald Claw now let's get out of here," grabbing the crown, the pair walked towards a window opening it. The lady holding the crown dropped out as the winged one went after he sped towards her wrapping his arms around her chest. They flew off into the night.

Landing next to a house, the winged one dropped the lady as they walked into said house taking off their masks; they smiled at each other this was Diane and (Y/N), who was a blue dragon. He was a wild card being a dragon; he can fly, have super strength, could heat up his hands to melt things, drive like it was fast and furious, a master pic pocket, had made some cool gadgets a great singer, and had a hidden power that involved him getting mad like really mad but it hasn't happened so far ;).

Diane pushed buttons on the microwave as the duo took the lift down to their base with a smile. They planted the crown on a pedestal "another great job wouldn't you agree (Y/N)" Diane smiled, looking as yoy got out of her heisting gear. "You know it, but I think it was too easy. I want a car chase; I mean, the police just got a new chief," you titled your head to the side as Diane rolled her eyes.

"Trust me, I want to as well, I know, but I also know how mad you can get behind the wheel. You put Mad Max to shame," you scoffed, walking over to the blowtorch lipstick. "Let me know if you want some different colours of these. I can whip some up, and I need to increase how much this grappling hook can hold if we got a third member again, we cou...."

You stopped yourself and looked down, dropping the grappling hook as Diane rubbed your cheek "hey, it wasn't your fault she gave her life to save us" "but I should have done something if only I got mad enough, then maybe she would still be with us" Diane hugged you leaning her head up to your shoulder "heyyy don't get too emotional on me big guy you know Sapphire feather wouldn't want that."

You hugged back "yeah, I know you are right," departing from the hug; she smiled, "how about we get noodles, just you and me?" "I'd like that."  Before too long, you two were sitting on her roof eating microwave noodles and laughing while the sun started to rise slowly.

"Welp, it's getting late. I will see you in a few hours, crimson paw~" you teased as Diane hid a blush with a small kiss on the cheek. You got out a set of car keys with a press, and a Ford Mustang came around the corner, jumping off the roof; you gave one last wave as you got into your car and drove off home.

Ten hours later, your phone started to vibrate; feeling around for it, you grabbed it. "Hello?" "(Y/n) it Diane, first we made the news again, and second remember what SF said which heist she wanted to do?" You mentally groan, "I just woke up, so no" "to steal the Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire!"

The Ruby, Emerald, and Sapphire was known as an impossible gem. It was a mix of all three, a big Emerald, which inside had a Ruby, which inside of that was a small Sapphire; it was worth an astounding 10 billion, but it was always held in a safe until now.

"It's in transit on a train (Y/N); we could finally get it and finally finish what we started" you rubbed your face. "I thought we were down once we stole the golden dolphin, which we still haven't done" "I know, I know, but come on, let's do this, please." You sighed "fine; I'll be over in 30."

You and Diane sped towards the train in custom jetpacks made by you, landing on the speeding train. You stomped on the roof hatch as Diane hopped in, knocking out the guards. "classy," "thank you." You slowly pushed the next door open and were greeted by five guards. "Hello there," "GET HIM," "Oh, you ruined it" getting annoyed, you charged them.

Diane leaned against the door as there was a lot of crashing, banging, screaming for help, and suddenly a body-shaped dent on the door. "Feeling better?" You had some blood on your face as she wiped it off for you "much better now, come on, it should be through this next door."

Opening the door, there was not a gem but lots of explosives and a dummy with a speaker in its chest. It turned towards the pair. "It's cute. You two thought you could just come and steal what's mine, but you can't. Welcome to the big leagues, kiddos."

Thinking fast, you shoved Diane out of the room as the bombs went off, and the train crashed when Diane came to; she ran looking for you when she found you; the worse had happened. You were heavily pinned under rubble, both arms trapped. You coughed up blood.

"Diane, go," your voice was weak, "but I can't lose you too" she had tears running down her face. "I said go; I'll be fine. Get that dolphin and leave this life behind." With a kiss on the forehead and tears in her eyes, Diane ran, "I'll promise I'll come free you one day, I swear."

With that, she was gone. Police soon came, and you were arrested and sent to S.U.C.M. Two massive rocks had chained you down at the bottom of the prison so no one could hear you. There was barely any light, but those words rang through your head "I'll come free you."

But that was five years ago now, and soon, a news report would change everything for you.

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