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You were driving back to your old hideout. It was an old factory opening the old shutter, and driving in the floor gave way, becoming a lift. You sighed as smoke blew out of the car from your cigarette 20 feet below the ground. The lift stopped as lights started to come on as you drove down a pristine white tunnel going through a waterfall; you drove the car up onto a ramp and left it on a pedestal.

Taking a long drag from your cigarette, you tossed it away as you looked over your place; it was big, having a couch with a 50-inch tv, an interactive touch screen computer, a wall dedicated to your gadgets next to was a workbench with tools, bits of metals and a lamp. Next, there was a giant bed; following this up was a wall of guns that you had either bought or made. Second, to last was a kitchen with a big fridge/ freezer.  Finally were big piles of gold and other stolen loot you had taken.

"Ah, it's good to be home" you walked to your computer "okay, what have I missed over the last five years then" as you looked, something caught your eye; it was a photo of you and Diane smiling together "I wish things could go back to the way they were Diane, but I'm sorry we can't" hearing a beeping sound you tapped on the computer to see your jet flying back in as it landed on another pedestal.

"I am glad I gave that thing autopilot." You didn't know that a couple of people had hitched a ride on it, that being Webs and Snake; they snuck off the jet and were amazed at your base. "Profesor Marmalade had the meteor this whole time; huh, that Snake blew it up cool I guess I owe him something for doing that. Now, where is the impossible gem?"

As Snake and Webs looked around your base, Snake saw something he wanted. It was a guinea pig as his eyes flashed, and his tongue licked the air; when Webs saws this, she was making a no motion with her hands, trying to stop Snake from eating it. You watched the footage of the train from 5 years ago and saw someone going on it into the carriage where the gem was. "No, it can't be her!"

You ran a facial scanner on her; as you did, your rage started to build inside you; it was her. "GOD DAMN IT!" As you yelled, a wave of fire exploded from your body, and you punched the floor, cracking it hard. It was the 'White Panther'; she was a two-timing backstabbing traitor; she was the one who planted the bombs on the train.

A crash came from your kitchen; you walked over with a sigh and saw some things on the floor. "I need to control my rage better. If I don't, someone could get hurt" you weren't looking as you put things away; if you did, you would have seen a specific spider panicking at how close you had gotten to touching her.

You heard a squeak turning your head. You saw that same guinea pig. You picked it up, annoyed you tossed it, and it landed in Snake's mouth with a burp "delicious."  Snake's eyes went wide as he said that you stopped mid-step and slowly turned your head towards Snake, who was pinned to the spot by fear as Webs tried to move him.

Giving up, she went to hide as you saw Snake, who, like a deer in the headlights, couldn't move as you walked up to him. "Is there a reason you are in my base, a base that Diane doesn't even know about" Snake gulped in fear. "I don't really have a reason, hahaha," you looked back at him.

"Then how about you get out before I make you, huh?" "WAIT!" You both looked to see Webs "(Y/N); please don't hurt him or be mad at us. We want to come and see you after we heard your story; we felt bad for you. Nobody should be treated like that, but nobody should be left alone after that story".

You rolled your eyes as you walked away from the pair. "I don't know if you two haven't noticed, but I'm a dragon. We are known for being alone and not too happy with intruders. I respect that you two came all this way but trust me, I'm fine, and I don't need anyone".

You walked over to the computer typing up about the impossible gem. As Webs shrugged, Snake came over "not to sound rude, but that sounds like someone who needs someone in their life" you slammed the computer hard. "I had someone, I had Diane, but she left me and has gone off with someone else, which I'm happy for her, but it doesn't... matter."

Webs eyes went wide "she wasn't just your teammate, was she" you let a small smile come to your face, "nailed it right on the head right there. I loved her, and she loved me, but the thing is, she moved on living her best life. I'm down here alone trying to find someone who put me in jail when all I wanted was for things to go right for me spending so long in prison alone; you miss the touch of another creature, how when they say everything is okay, you believe it, or how just a simple hug from them makes a world of difference, I guess I miss being loved."

Tears started to run down your face as you broke down laughing while crying that when you felt someone wipe the tears away, it was Webs; she gave a warm smile as she hugged your forehead; before you could react fully, your whole body was wrapped up by Snake then the dam finally broke you fully burst into tears as you fell to your knees crying.

Snake and Webs held you close "hey, it's okay crying ain't nothing bad it just means you've been strong for too long" "It's okay (Y/N). Let it all out just for tonight. Let yourself fall apart, I promise me, and Snake will hold you together."

The original bad guy (male reader x the bad guys)Where stories live. Discover now