Prison Break

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How long had it been days? Months? Years? You had lost count with the light above you and the two giant stones holding you down all those jobs you did, and in the end, none of it mattered. Someone had outsmarted you and Diane; now, she was long gone the sound of wheels could be heard.

An officer came in with a tv "to celebrate five years of you being in here; we thought you would like to see some news" as the TV flickered to life, a voice caused you to look at it. "Now we go to our interview with our governor Diane Foxington." cameras flashed as you saw the Crimson Paw. She was with a wolf, snake, shark, Tarantula, Piranha, and a small cat. "Miss Foxington, now with the bad guys being redeemed, what is next?"

"Well, we will be tackling more villains and providing a better future for us all" cheers were heard you smiled. You still watched the TV until one question made you listen close "what about (Y/N) the prisoner that you say was framed by the Emerald Claw and that you have tried the last five years to free?" Diane went silent. Her friends behind her went silent until Wolf came up to her.

"Uhh, Diane, you okay?" "Yeah, fine wolf, as for the question, I had tried many times to release him from prison, but it's only been met with resistance, and I hate to say it, but I feel it's time that I finally give up trying to get him out." Your eyes went wide as Diane walked off stage your blood started to boil, and rage built up.

You started to pull on the giant stones as the chains groaned. "HEY, stop that!" A guard yelled as you pulled on them harder one chain snapped, freeing a hand and pulling on the other chain; the whole rock came up as you swung it around with another snap, and the chain sent the giant rock into the officer's alarms started to blare.

You saw a chest with your gear in it. They left it there to taunt you. Inside was a realistic hologram system getting changed you made a copy of yourself still in prison gear as you moved the hologram out and past cameras, so if anyone saw the footage, it looked like the Emerald Claw had saved (Y/N).

Getting outside, a storm raged on as guards aimed their weapons at you and you're 'double.' "I am giving (Y/N) his freedom. I want him sent back to land by the governor; after that, you can arrest me". It took half an hour, but Diane and her group came; she went wide-eyed seeing you. Your looks hadn't changed much, but you did have two long horns growing out of the top of your head now.

"Governor, I saw your news report earlier. I'm doing what you couldn't, so now he is free to live a normal life, correct?" There was silence until the police nodded; you threw your clone forward towards Diane, who could tell it was a clone; she started to walk away with it.

"Diane, one last thing," she turned around, "if you happen to find the Crimson Paw tell them I'm coming for them" dropping a smoke bomb, you were gone until a jet was heard above as you flew off the clone waited until he was on the boat then it glitched put and disappeared as well. Diane rubbed her eyes.

"Diane, is there something you want to tell us?" Snake asked, looking at her with a small sigh; she started as the boat headed back to land "seven years ago, I was a part of a trio of criminals. There was me as the crimson paw, (Y/N) as the emerald claw, and finally, Keala as the sapphire feather. Keala was a hawk she was our lookout and d damn fine one until the bank vault."

"We were robbing a bank together. The whole thing had been quiet as Keala went to grab the last one the door but trapping her inside, already being worn out from carrying the bags and not much air in the vault (Y/N) through fast as he started to punch the vault door, making dents he even tried to melt the door. Still, he was too tired. Keala told us to go, but we didn't want to until we heard sirens."

"We both ran with the money getting in the car (Y/N) got us out of there safely, but he hated himself for leaving her there when we got back to the base; he didn't move from the car. He just put his head on the steering wheel for 10 minutes and didn't move or say anything. Next day we saw the news as they pulled out Keala's body from the vault. She had died from a lack of oxygen (Y/N) and took it hard, always saying how he was meant to look out for us".

Diane let out a little laugh "he always acted like the idea of older brother looking out for us both, but soon time forgot the Saphire feather, and it was just me and (Y/N) until five years ago" Diane went to explain the whole train heist as she had tears running down her face to which the group hugged her.

"I spent the last five years trying to get him out but to no avail, and I guess he finally saw the news today and hates me for giving up on him after all he did for me." Getting to the pier, the group got back into the car and started to drive back to their new home halfway. Wolf slammed on the brakes. "Ey man, why are we stopping?" Piranha asked

All of them looked ahead. In front of them was you in your emerald claw gear, some strange gun being held in both hands. They tried to back away, but you turned to face them. Your face turned into a scowl. Diane's heart was racing, but she knew who you wanted to speak to. Putting on her Crimson paw outfit, she got out of the car and took a few steps forwards.

There were 10 feet between you both. "So you want to start?" you asked

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