Wrath Of The Dragon

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Your eyes slowly opened to reveal they had changed to a fiery red your whole body was surrounded by red flames. Taking a deep breath, White Panther stood up in her robot "well, threaten me with a good time, and here I was thinking nothing would make you rage boil over" your response was cold silence; instead, you slowly walked forward walking past Diane she looked at you with a grin "Y/N" "stay down Diane" your voice was deeper Y/N walking soon turned to a jog. A run and a full-blown sprint on all fours, the group couldn't keep track of Y/N's speed; all they saw was a trail of red flame reeling a fist back it connected to the robot.

The machine was sent flying back as White Panther inside hit her head against the back. "Christ, he's changed, not that it matters" charging up a beam inside one of her robot arms, it went speeding towards Y/N, who only grinned as it hit the gang looked in shock as the beam stopped everything around you was burnt, and smoking but you simply flicked a small bit of ash off your shoulder taking this as an insult she sped right for you hitting you with all her might, but Y/N didn't flinch "is that the best you can do? Well, I guess it's my turn, then."

Delivering a powerful kick to the robot caused it to zoom past the police station and towards the motorway; you followed up by grabbing its leg with breakneck speed; the robot was launched into the air only to be caught by as White Panther, looked in horror. She saw the fire in your eyes; this was not the normal Y/N; he had become something else, lifting the robot above its head. The flaming dragon tossed it back down before blasting a ball of fire down, causing the robot to burn up and create a crater. You landed at the edge of said crater with folded arms "what the hell are you?" She asked, bleeding from the head now.

"Me? I'm the version of me that snapped that finally had enough. I'm the version that those old fairy tales stories spoke of a raging beast who would strike fear into anyone who dared defy them!" With another punch, you cracked the visor causing the White Panther to panic and smack you away Y/N was sent flying through multiple buildings; with the shake of your head, you got back up and sped for that bitch Y/N grabbed her and headed for the biggest crater there was. Where the love meteorite had landed.

Shark helped Diane up as they watched the fight "we need to help him, but how?" As they were joined by the others, something came rolling towards them; it was a rocket; they then saw the cannon was still intact; everyone looked to each other as they saw the car was still undamaged as well Diane picked up the rocket before looking towards you. "Diane, what are you thinking?" She smiled before looking at Wolf. "I'm going to make up for the mistake I made five years ago." Back with you, each punch became stronger and stronger, doing more damage to the robot soon; you were focusing on one place more than the others.

The White Panther was getting scared; if you kept this assault up, she wouldn't last long. That's when it dawned on where you were punching "ohohoh, you want that? Okay, here you go!" Opening her chest revealed the Impossible Gem, which started to glow "oh, crap baskets," You said as the gem's blast hit you, sending you upwards and onto the road; with a groan of pain, something red hit the tarmac it was blood but your blood rage grew more in you the mere fact that this little shit could make you bleed was an insult to your honor. Roaring loudly, your open wounds and blood started to steam.

Speeding back down, you forced the robot down into the ground with a flurry of punches until it smacked you away. The White Panther was fuming now. "THAT'S IT. I'M ENDING THIS NOW!" Opening the chest again, the Gem charged up, but you were ready; this time, summoning a ball of fire in your hands, you charged as well. "ONCE I'M DONE WITH YOU, YOUR LOVERS ARE NEXT!" Both beams were launched; the gem was a mix of red, blue, and green, as yours was pure red. As the beams clashed, all of LA started to shake as they grew bigger; Y/N was slowly being pushed back as his beam was beginning to be overcome. "Damn it, even with this strength, I can't win!"

"Whoever said that?" "DIANE?!" She was speaking through the earpiece, "she's right, Y/N; you really think a gem is going to beat you? YOU? You are Y/N," Wolf spoke, "the toughest," Shark said, "the bravest," Prinaha added, "the strongest" Webs said, "the most powerful creature we know." Snake finished; you gritted your teeth as your beam pushed back more, creating about a 50/50 push now. "Y/N, we love you, and we know you can do so; come on, end this!" They yelled as you increased your power, but it still wasn't enough; you needed some help. "You have fought well, Y/N, but this is where it ends!" White Panther laughed until BANG!

Looking up on the road above them was the Bad Guys, all smiling with the canon; that's when the electricity surged through the robot's body and the Gem. "NOW'S YOUR CHANCE, Y/N!" Going full force, your blast overcame the Gems and the robot, but you weren't done yet; speeding through the blast, you went towards the chest; coming out the other side, you held the Impossible Gem in your hand as the robot groaned and slumped over it was disabled but you weren't done with it yet. Flying up, you tossed the gem to Diane before going up above the clouds; a whirlpool of fire started to come around your fists; speeding down fists first, you connected with the robot, creating an explosion so big the bridge gave away, causing everyone to tumble into the creator.

As the guys got up, a layer of dust was all around "everyone okay?" Diane asked, still holding the gem  "yeah, never better. Is it over?" Snake replied, "where's Y/N? He was caught in the middle of the blast." Webs said, "oh, I wouldn't worry about him; you've got bigger problems" turning around, they saw Wolf being held with a gun aimed at his head by White Panther, but she looked different half of her face had been burnt she looked horrible "looks like you lost your beauty not so White Panther." Wolf joked in response; she smacked his head before looking at Diane.

"Hand over the gem, or the wolf dies!"

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