Nightclub Showdown

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The masked figures walked in, locking the door behind them. One fired a gun into the air, causing patrons to panic. "Okay, everyone, I want you all down on the ground; nobody moves when we come to you; empty your pockets if you even think about calling the cops; you can't because." Jammers we're placed by the door blocking phone signals.

Meanwhile, with yourself and Wolf, you boy heard the gunshot peaking your head out and seeing 15 thugs all wearing White Panther masks "shit Wolf act like you are washing your hands when a thug comes in" "Wait, what's going on?" You covered his mouth as a thug came "you need to trust me."

Hiding in a bathroom stall, a thug kicked in the door; all that the thug saw was Wolf washing his hands. "OI on the ground, animal," the thug yelled. Wolf panicked, seeing said thug had a shotgun but composed himself, "come on now good sir, I don't have anything. "I said on the ground NOW."

Click. Wolf had his smug smile on his face as the barrel of your pistol was placed against the thug's head "take your hand off the trigger now," the thug did as he was told. "Wolf grab his gun" strutting over, Wolf grabbed the shotgun. But this gave the Thug a chance to punch you in the face stumbling back into the toilet stall.

It was a struggle as you threw him across a few stalls tackling him more; you punched him in the face until blood started to come out; grabbing the scruff of his neck, you kneed him in the gut and finished by smashing his head into one of the toilets breaking it and killing him. "You okay?" Wolf asked as he helped you up, rubbing your cheek and giving a warm smile.

"Fine, thanks. Listen, stay in here until the shooting stops; in fact," You pick up your gun and toss it to Wolf "if anyone wearing a White Panther mask comes in, shoot them" talking the shotgun from Wolf, you put a hand on his shoulder. "We will make it out of here because you still owe me dinner~" you walked out and saw two guards threaten Snake and Webs, getting made you snuck over.

Most goons were emptying out pockets. "Come on, you two, empty your pockets!" "What pockets? I don't have anything; have you seen how small I am?" Webs retorted, "keep talking like that, and I will squish you!" the second thug said, "squish her, and I will rip you in half."

You had sat next to Snake and Webs as the thugs turned to see you aiming your stole shotgun at them. "I hope you two like shots" Bang! Bang! Both thugs were sent flying across the dancing floor "damn, that pun was terrible," all the grunts turned to you; thinking fast, you grabbed Snake and Webs as yoy dove behind the bar counter.

Bullets flew as you three hid bottles shattered "thanks for saving us, but you got a plan (Y/N)?" Snake yelled over the shots. "I do; webs, can you kill the lights?" Web rubbed the back of her head. "I'm kinda only meant to hack for good" "OUR LIVES!" You yelled back with a dramatic sigh. Webs pulled out a small laptop and got to work speedy, typing away.

"Okay, when the lights go out, Snake either break or eat the jammers. I don't care which, Webs. I need you to climb through the vents and go outside; there, you will find a dead drop, grab it and leave it behind the bar". "What about you?" Snake asked, reloading your shotgun; you smiled, "leveling the playing field."

As the light went out, you crawled out of the bar and mentally counted '13 left, seven down her six upstairs'  your gun lit up the club as another grunt fell dead. Dropping your weapon because you didn't want to hit civilians punching two in the face, they fell to the ground as a third widely shot you to avoid the bullets and grabbed his neck, snapping it.

As the other two guards got up, you slammed their heads into the speakers knocking them out. As the lights came back on, the four last gunmen aimed their guns at you "crap baskets" "Hola amigos" they turned to see Shark and Piranha, who was thrown at them, laughing like a mad man one after the other, they fell to the floor.

"Shark, break that door open and get people out of here. I'm going after Diane" Shark only nodded as you grabbed your gun again and made your way upstairs slowly, only to be met with the butt of a gun falling back down the stairs; two grunts laughed as you shook your head.

"Wore of advice, don't celebrate until you know you've won" two shotgun blasts later, you felt blood run down from your nose. Finally getting up, you narrowly dodged gunfire and blindly fire; you heard someone yell in pain; seeing your chance, you went to fire only to hear a clicking sound. "shit out of ammo," thinking fast, you threw the shotgun.

Hitting the grunt in the face, he stumbled back as you dropped kicked him into a table, ripping the gun out of his hands; another guard came running, grabbing the bottles and glasses you threw them at full force towards the guard as he fell over in pain you sighed one last guy but where was Diane?

Kicking open the last door, you were met with the last thing holding a gun against Diane's head. "Don't move Emerald Claw or she dies" "really, you are using my ex as a hostage. I don't care, but if you were to kill the governor, I'm pretty sure people would be mad".

Diane's eyes widened as you smiled "what, you don't care about her?" He lowered his gun a little bit. In shock, "yeah, go ahead, have fun," dropping your rifle. Diane panicked as the guard moved his gun towards you; with a smile, you rushed him grabbing his throat, pushing him over the edge, grabbing their leg; they were held over the dance floor.

"Did you really think I care so little about Diane? Now, how about you tell us what the White Panther wants?" Shacking him a little bit, he got scared. "OKAY, she wants money" shaking him more, Diane smiled, walking over. "I would do what he says; he's not always this nice." "she wants you two dead and all the money we could grab because she wants to build something" "What?" "I don't know!"

"Then you are of no more use to us" dropping him onto the dance floor, a crack was heard, and blood stained the dance floor. "You okay?" Diane hugged you tight as she cried into you, hugging back, "thank you" "don't mention it," giving a small kiss on her cheek; she blushed as you left her with sirens in the distance.

You jumped down onto the dance floor, hopping behind the bar and grabbing the dead drop cop lights were coming when you couldn't see Webs or Snake. You walked towards the bathroom to see your gun with a note on it from Wolf. 'Thanks for the gun~' his number was also left, "damn flirt."

Hoping out the window and going to the roof, cops showed up, letting your body be covered in shadows; you whistled to them as they looked up with guns aimed, "whoa, easy, the whole place is cleared, and I know the group behind it here" dropping the box on a cop's var bonit.

"For the chief, and if she wants to know more about that one, get her to ask (Y/N) while I was imprisoned, I heard whispers about her now I take my leave." as you left, the cops looked confused as yoy dropped down and into your car only to see Snake and Webs there who kissed you.

"Glad to see you are okay~" Webs smiled as you started to drive off home but not to the underground base but rather to a lavish two-story building

"Glad to see you are okay~" Webs smiled as you started to drive off home but not to the underground base but rather to a lavish two-story building

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Pulling up, you sighed as all three of you got out and unlocked the house Snake and Webs had a devilish smile on their faces. "I thinking we should reward our hero~" Snake stated "yes, I think it's high time we did" Webs agreed

A/N: Next chapter will be a lemon~ ;)

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