Hot & Steamy 🍋

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As soon as you left the car, Snake had already cooked his body around your waist and kissed you deeply, fumbling with the keys. You opened the door as Webs made her way down your trousers; kicking the door open and shut, you managed to get your shirt off as Snake's long tongue requested entry to your mouth.

Being a tease, you didn't until you gasped from what Webs had been doing; she was rubbing your shaft; soon, you felt Snake's tongue inside your mouth as you went into his, both of you moaning as you made your way up the stairs Snake helped to remove your trousers and underwear letting Webs be free.

"brrr, it's cold now; guess I should warm up~" she hung onto your shaft and started to rub it more, struggling. She just about got the tip in as you fell onto the king-size bed; feeling down Snake's body, you heard a moan as you found what you were looking for.

Using your tail, you started to rub Snake off as he moaned more, "fuck don't ahhh stop~" going faster, your own shaft went harder as Webs grinned; taking a breath, she spoke to you, "COVER ME, COVER ME LIKE A KRISPY KREME DONUT, DONT YOU DARE HOLD BACK ON ME (Y/N)!"

You and Snake looked at Webs, confused, but you grabbed Snake and put where his shaft was and stuffed it into your mouth using your tongue Snake moaned, loaded, squeezing you tighter "fuck, where have you been all my life (Y/N)!" Some pre came out of your dick, and Webs managed to drink it.

"mmm, nice if you thought a guinea pig was nice, Snake, just wait till you try this" lapping your tongue around Snake, his whole body shook as he came in your mouth, sucking him try he keeled over on top of the bed "totally worth it~" as Webs kept rubbing and sucking you could feel you were getting very close.

"fuck Webs, I'm getting really close" "goooood!" The spider had become very horny. With one last moan, you blew up like a fountain as Webs smiled, mouth open crashing all over her; the pro hacker was now covered in a thick layer of dragon cum. Snake saw the once orange and black spider was now pure white.

Webs squealed in delight as she started to lick the cum off her moan and loved the taste of it all over her seeing how much she had enjoyed herself; Snake went head first in sucking your shaft now.

It took you by surprise but what shocked you more was that Snake had taken in your whole shaft without gagging "how are you *moan* doing ah fuck that Snake?" He smiled while looking at you "great gag reflexes, and seeing as how you could take all of me in, why not repay the favor."

Coiling his body around your legs, you could feel his tongue licking every inch of your shaft. Meanwhile, Webs had almost entirely cleaned herself; she was very quick, but she struggled to reach her butt, which you could have sworn had gotten more prominent, and a slight bulge in her stomach you picked her up in one hand.

"Are you?" "Pregnant? God, no, just trying to swallow all of that lovely juice may have given me a small belly, but I can't reach my butt" she tried again, but she soon felt something else lick her butt. She yelped. "I did you just lick me?" You grinned "would you rather I eat you out?" Webs had a massive blush. "I'm fine with being licked out, so go right ahead."

She slapped her ass "you mean you could have reached your ass the whole time?" "I ehehe," grabbing Webs; you shoved the back half of her into your mouth "wait, wait, wait *moan*" you started to furiously lick her ass as she was going mad with lust you soon went slow to tease her.

"OH GOD, HURRY UP! (Y/N) STOP TEASING ME!" You grinned, knowing Webs hated being teased; looking over at Snake, he started to slowly go up and down on your shaft with your legs starting to twitch as. Snake knew you were close, so he got as deep as possible.

If his mouth were wide enough, you could have sworn he would swallow your pelvis just to make sure he didn't lose any, but you soon blew your load and seeing Snake drink it up like a straw, you then felt something hot in your mouth as Webs had blown her load into your mouth feeling lustful.

You grabbed your phone and took a lustful pic of you licking Webs and Snake sucking you off with a wet pop Snake got off your dick after the photo. "Webs, you didn't lie better than any Guinea pig~" with another pop, Webs hopped out of your mouth, "his tongue was amazing~."

"Shower?" You asked the pair between breaths Snake coiled around your chest, and Webs hopped in between your horns as you all washed each other off, crashing onto the bed. You started to doze off as your phone went off. "Hello?" "Hello, I am assuming this is (Y/N)?" "You are assuming correctly; sorry, who is calling?"

"This is the chief of police. I was wondering if we could meet up tomorrow as myself, the governor, and the Good Guys would like to talk to you about the Nightclub and this White Panther" "What time and where?" "2 pm and town hall" "sure, see you then."

The original bad guy (male reader x the bad guys)Where stories live. Discover now