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"I'm sorry I am so sorry that you saw that news report of me giving up on you, but you need to understand I spent those five years trying to get you out; I spent months getting the blueprints for S.U.C.M trying to work out where you where and what way was a most straightforward way to get to you."

Diane looked at you, worried, but that scowl didn't fade. "That didn't stop you from freeing them when they were framed for a crime because of a fucking guinea pig!" You pointed at the bad guys.

Diane went wide-eyed as she looked at him. "How did you know about that?" "Oh please, Crimson Paw, when I got in my jet, I saw the footage of you saving them and not me! You didn't think I couldn't take down that little rodent, or had that thought slipped your mind?"

Wolf was getting annoyed at you, yelling at Diane, "how about you leave her alone, huh? Just because she didn't come to save you doesn't mean you can yell at her like that". You turned your face towards Wolf's and gave a low laugh

"Ah yes, the infamous Mr. Wolf, the bad guy in quote 'every story' you think you've had it bad you try being a dragon who gets slayed by the brave knight, or the one who will steal all your stuff and lay on top of it I've been the bad guy more than you ever have and yeah maybe you had some bad punishments, but at least you weren't killed for being you!" Wolf backed off.

You aimed your gun as you fired a small disk came speeding out; it missed Diane as it went underneath a cop car, blowing the back out as the vehicle flipped onto its roof (Y/N), moved out the way as it slid past as the cops got out they ran for it you then turned back to Diane.

"Do you know what it was like to be held down by two giant rocks to never speak to anyone, always holding out hope that maybe just fucking maybe the one person who cared about me would come and save me!" You were slowly breaking down.

"Do you remember why I became a thief because everyone I came across feared me, ran from me, or threw things at me; they hated me because I was something that I never could control; then, out of everything, you were one of the few people that cared enough to ask if I was okay and bonded with me over things."

The group was starting to feel bad for you, mostly Snake and Webs Diane's voice was shaky when she spoke next "you always knew how to make me smile. I remember when someone threw a rock at me, but you put your wing up to protect me you always cared for me".

You rubbed your eyes with a weak sigh. You looked Diane dead in the eyes. "Did you ever care about me? I mean, really care about me?" Diane was shocked at this question. It took her 30 seconds to respond.

"I did. I still do (Y/N). I know you are hurting right now and that all you want to do is for me to understand your pain, but I can't. I don't know what it was like for you to be trapped in there so long" a clang was heard as your gun hit the ground.

You removed your mask, as did Diane; your eyes looked so tired. Diane walked over to you and ran her paw over your face. "I don't think I've ever seen you so tired." You moved your face from her hand.

She hugged you with tears in her eyes as she spoke again, "there is a good man in there (Y/N), but he is wrestling with a giant; please, can't we go back to the way things were before?"

You pushed her away with a weak sigh; you looked away from her. "I'm sorry, Diane, but I can't; too much stuff has happened. I can't just forgive you, not now. I won't chase after you or do any more crimes, but I just can't forgive you."

You got your car keys out as your Ford Mustang came around the corner and stopped in front of you; getting in, you lit a cigarette and got ready to drive off when Diane stopped you.

"If or when you are ready to forgive me come to the museum." You didn't respond. You just drove off, leaving Diane and her friends behind.

The original bad guy (male reader x the bad guys)Where stories live. Discover now