Things Dont Got To Plan

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"Up," "No," "Up," "No," "Down?" "Yes" "Damn it!" Diane was trying to pull you out of bed; saying last night was heated would be an understatement; having a night of love making with your loves it was amazing, to say the least, "we need to stop the White Panther!" "You need to come back to bed; it's only 8 am" pulling on you, you Diane fell on the floor "come on please," giving you puppy eyes with a groan, you got up, but Wolf, who was still asleep, had hung on tight. "Should we?" "Nah, leave him; he's happy, and I know what he likes in the morning; heading downstairs with Diane, you saw a particular duo.

"Hola amigo," giving an unamused look at Diane, she gave a sheepish smile "if you got four of us, you get all of us," you sighed "fine." Heading to the kitchen, Wolf slowly woke up, opening a sleepy eye "where am I?" "You are hanging onto your boyfriend, who is trying to make himself a hot drink" "ohhh, okay," he held on tighter. "Aren't you mad at him?" Wolf nuzzled your neck "honestly, no, he's too cute" "mmm, that I am~" sitting down and downing a drink, Diane pulled out a case file "this is everything we have on this White Panther." Flipping through the files, you wrote down some notes.

"So she's got a small army, the Impossible Gem, an endangered species, seems to be getting as much as she can, works in LA, needing a lot of metal; anything else?" You asked, sipping from your mug "no, that's pretty much it, but why all the money and metal?" Wolf asked as he got off you and sat down. "She's building something," Webs replied, rubbined her eyes, "and she will use the impossible gem as an energy source," Snake said as he coiled himself around your arm. Shark and Piranha soon joined as well "she would need to charge it first, though." You then faced palmed. "I'm an idiot; she's been using the money to pay off the power company to siphon off power for her gem."

Web's pulled out her laptop "then that means she must be using Omega power station people complained about losing power a few months back, but most didn't bat an eye to it." "Everyone get dressed, and when you are ready, follow me." Heading upstairs, everyone got dressed as you walked over to the thermostat, twisting about a wall gave way. "Welcome back, Y/N" everyone but Diane was shocked getting in the elevator. The group went down as walls opened up to reveal guns, tech, suits, and everything. "HOLY MOLY! I thought Diane's was big" "she got the idea from me." "Agree to disagree," She replied, laughing.

Shark checked out the suits "are these?" "custom made? Yep, each one is designed to withstand a tank. Everyone suited up as Diane tossed everyone a grappling hook. "Just in case we get thrown off course" "if they are strong enough to pull a fully grown dragon, you lot will be fine." Webs ran over, grabbing some hacking equipment as the others grabbed what they pleased. As You and Diane stood there with folded arms "like children in a candy store" Y/N walked over to the guns grabbing a shotgun, assault rifle and a pistol. In contrast, Diane grabbed a sniper, a pistol, and a knife.

The guys also grabbed some guns "are these even allowed?" Piranha asked, worried "one, we need to stop the White Panther; two, Diane is the governor, so she gave me permission; and three, quit bitching and put your big boy's pants on now, then time for our ride.

The guys also grabbed some guns "are these even allowed?" Piranha asked, worried "one, we need to stop the White Panther; two, Diane is the governor, so she gave me permission; and three, quit bitching and put your big boy's pants on now, then tim...

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